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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120: Now with Solar Power!!


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We are at the penultimate issue of the DARKEST HOUR storyline. With everything riding on this last-ditch attempt to save the Morphin Grid, let’s get with the team outside the Morphin Grid!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 Written by Melissa Flores, Art by Valeria Favoccia, Colored by Valentina Pinto, Lettered by Ed Dukeshire

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 Written by Melissa Flores, Art by Valeria Favoccia, Colored by Valentina Pinto, Lettered by Ed Dukeshire Cover by Goni Montes

We need Zeo Crystal Power Now!

For those of you who aren’t aware, the Solar Rangers came out of the Beyond the Grid storyline back a few years ago. They exist in an alternate dimension that is off the Morphin Grid. As such, they Do have their own power source: The Solarex. It’s pretty much a huge planet made out of Zeo Crystal, and they generate their own off-the-grid grid.

So how does this affect OUR Rangers?

Simply put, since they are off the grid, they shouldn’t be affected by Dark Specter’s influence. So Kim (Ranger Slayer) figured that if they can use the power of the Solar rangers they can finally take out Dark Spector.

So the White Tiger Powered Rangers just showed up in the other Dimension, and BOOM, Happy reunion? NAH! Quite the opposite, El, The Purple, and Leader of the Solar Rangers, is starting to see the effect of Dark SPecter in her Dimension and has now planned to totally cut themselves off from the grid by any means necessary.

The Art

I love seeing the Solar Rangers—they are by far probably the most unique suits in all of Rangerdom! So when you get to see them pop off the paneled pages, it’s a sight to behold! Even seeing the Dark Specter-influenced Solar Rangers, TBH, was better than the other ones, although I may be biased.

What’s also great about the Solar Rangers Dimension is that not everyone is human, so the chance to see several different races of beings always lends to a richness in the universe, reminding us that it’s not just Earth that the Rangers protect.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 Written by Melissa Flores, Art by Valeria Favoccia, Colored by Valentina Pinto, Lettered by Ed Dukeshire Cover by Anand Ramcheron

Mighty Morphing Power Rangers #120 gets a 7.5 out of 10

Thoughts from THE GRID/Solarex

Now hold on! You are probably asking WHY? Simple: Considering we are almost at the end of the Darkest Hour, why do we need a recap of the backstory of the new Solar Ranger team? I understand that not everyone might have been up to speed, but I feel like all 22 pages of this could have been condensed into maybe 5 or 6 pages. Then, we could focus on how our rangers got there and not just show up right at the end of the book.

It’s odd reading it at this point, knowing the series is coming to its conclusion, so maybe that gives me a different perspective on analyzing the story. I’ll go out on a limb and hope that this is getting tied up with a nice bow, and somehow, at either SDCC or NYCC, I’ll be front and center for BOOM! Studios to announce their next Power Rangers run.

Now that you’ve read the book, tell us what you think. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and please consider following me personally at OFF THE CUFF TOM on social media. Don’t forget to support your LCS and morph back to the Nerd Initiative for all your Ranger Reviews!

42/m/🌎 Cleverly Disguised as an "ADULT" Tom always has an opinion and isn't afraid to share it that why he's "OFF THE CUFF!" He isn't afraid to talk about anything or to anyone! As an "ELDER MILENNIAL" his Nerd Knowledge runs deep! He's "THAT GUY you take to Trivia Night or Karaoke Night"

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