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Star Wars: Mace Windu #4 – Securing A Treasure


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Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! This week I’m here to review the fourth issue in the Mace Windu series from the folks over at Lucasfilm/Marvel!

Star Wars: Mace Windu #4 – Credit: Marvel Entertainment (cover: Mateus Manhanini)

This series has been a fun read so far, and this issue is no different. I know there were some Mace-centric stories in the Legends timeline, but since Disney reset the timeline he’s a character that has been noticeably lacking despite how popular he’s been over the years. Hopefully this is just the first series in a semi-regular ongoing series. I’m not sure if it needs an on-going monthly run like Darth Vader, but I would be okay with them popping in and out of the various times of Mace Windu and telling some previously unknown stories. But enough of that! Let’s jump into it!

Star Wars: Mace Windu Issue #4 by Marc Bernadin (writer), Georges Jeanty (penciler), Dexter Vines (inker), Andrew Dalhouse (colorist), VC’s Joe Caramagna (letterer) & Mateus Manhanini (cover artist) continutes the story of Mace & Azita Cruuz attempting to get coaxium ultra back into the hands of the Republic. As a refresher, coaxium is the fuel used to power hyperdrives in the starships that allow them to enter hyperspace. The issue kicks into hyperdrive with Mace & Azita Cruuz face to face with Muro & Diya. Muro & Diya are members of a cult called the Had’le Path, a group that is OBSESSED with wiping technology from the face of the galaxy. The four combatants waste no time in fighting each other, and despite Mace being a Jedi Master it’s a pretty even battle. And that is because Diya is using a staff that is NOT affected by Mace’s lightsaber! Is it cortosis?! Maybe, maybe not. Nobody really ends up winning the battle, but Mace decides he’s had enough and kick’s Diya off of the spaceship they’re fighting on top of.

The issue really kicks into gear when we finally get to meat “The Shroud”, the mysterious leader of the Had’le Path that was mentioned back in issue #2, and he starts trying to make an argument about the Force that has been made before if you’ve read/watched Star Wars long enough (I’ll leave that for you to read and find out). He’s an intimidating figure that Georges, Dexter & Andrew did a wonderful job on and you can instantly tell this guy means business and doesn’t care what he has to do to achieve his ends.

Spoilers Below

The best moment of the issue is after Mace sends Azita away, knowing she’s of no use in a fight like this. Mace then proceeds to cut the support legs out from underneath the starship and drop the whole thing onto The Shroud. But he does not care AND LIFTS THE WHOLE THING UP WITH HIS BARE HANDS. Okay admittedly, he’s probably using the Force. But it’s still an INCREDIBLE panel that you have to see to believe. Azita then swoops in for the save, and blows up the starship with The Shroud still holding onto it. Azita & Mace then take off together in Maces’ Jedi starfighter with an offer to visit Haruun Kal, the home world of Mace Windu to give them some long needed assistance. And just as you think it’s the end, there is a glimpse that perhaps things aren’t as resolved as our heroes might think.

Final Point: Marc Bernadin tells an awesome story that weaves together multiple facets of the Star Wars universe and leaves it open ended for more to possibly come. While this appears to be the end for this series, I hope it isn’t the full end. Because I truly feel there’s a lot of room in the current universe for a Mace Windu story. So Marvel, please continue this story!

Score: 9 out of 10

Thanks for checking out my review on Nerd Initiative. For more of my content, check out ODPHpodcast.com, follow me on Twitter, and check out more of my reviews here on Nerd Initiative: https://nerdinitiative.com/author/padawanj/!

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