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The One Hand #4 The Writings on the Wall


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The penultimate issue of The One Hand brings the action and suspense to the table. Ari is as close as he’s ever been to catching The One Hand Killer, but can he get to him before he takes the life of someone Ari loves? What is the secret behind the coded language all over the walls? Things get dangerously intense and Detective Nassar is running out of time and friends.

Courtesy of Image Comics. Cover art by Laurence Campbell, Lee Loughridge, and Tom Muller.

The One Hand Writes The Story

The One Hand and The Six Fingers have been twisting and winding on a path of murder, mystery, and suspense. The One Hand has been following Detective Ari Nassar as he tracks down a killer with six fingers on one hand. Not only that, this is a case he has already solved TWICE! Something is obviously going on here that is bigger than it seems and the deeper Ari digs, the stranger it all gets.

Courtesy of Image Comics. Cover art by Sumit Kumar, Lee Loughridge. and Tom Muller.

Ram V is doing a fantastic job of exploring so many angles and psychological concepts with this book. Ari Nassar has been built and expanded on in a fantastic matter. What started as a hard boiled, noir detective character, has really been fleshed out and developed into something much more interesting. He has been chasing this case for almost his whole career, and now it feels like there’s finally a light at at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately for him, it’s costing him his job and maybe even someone he cares for dearly.

The One Hand Illustrates Noir

As good as this story has been, the artwork has been a really strong driving force for this series. As a Neo Noir type of story, there’s a certain type of style that goes along with that. Laurence Campbell and Lee Loughridge have consistently nailed it and pushed it beyond it’s limits. Noir lends itself to a lot of shadows, and dimly lit scenes. Loughridge takes that absence of light and uses glowing neon colors to bring each panel to life.

It’s here in issue 4 that the symbolic wall writings really start to show up everywhere. We’ve seen small glimpses of them in picture frames and building layouts, but now we see it in windows, table settings, even microscopic organisms!

Everything Points To 8/10

This is series has been a lot of fun so far. There’s so much to think about and so many visual cues that add to the mystery. As The Six Fingers fleshes out the killer, The One Hand continues to make Ari Nassar a more interesting character. It was great to see them briefly interact through the wall in this issue. There is so something so massive in this story, entangling so many parts of each character and their environments. When this all resolves I feel like there’s gonna be a huge “AH HA” moment where everything aligns.

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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