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The Flash #6 by Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato, Trish Mulvihil, and Hassan Otsman-Elhaou. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Mike Deodato and Trish Mulvihil.)

The Flash #6:


Simon Spurrier (Writer),

Mike Deodato Jr (Artist),

Trish Mulvihill (Colorist),

Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Cover By Mike Deodato Jr and Trish Mulvihil.


A whirlwind of doubt, selfishness, numbness, and speed all thrust into one issue. Our hero, Wally, continues to try to be the perfect husband and father, and yet the duty of a hero will always call.

Issue 6, The Arc Angels, throws our favorite speedsters into a confusing yet clear race against time and something…more sinister.

The Art:

Mike does a really fantastic job in this issue, creating our heroes with a modern look, all the while Trish compliments them with a look that homages that of the Silver Age Flash comics.

The Flash #6 by Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato, Trish Mulvihil, and Hassan Otsman-Elhaou. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Mike Deodato and Trish Mulvihil.)

There is a very continuous and psychedelic vibe throughout this issue that plays with your eyes in a really fun way. This is one of the more visually pleasing issues of a comic I have read in a bit and they lent this story to be a lot of fun because of it.

The Writing:

Hassan’s letters compliment the old-time newspaper comic vibe as there are various points where the words are that of the old Sunday morning comic.

The story in itself by Simon brings about a lot of crisis of identities as well, with Linda struggling post childbirth to feel something and struggling with their family only ever holding Wally back.


It’s an emotional story in this issue as for superheroes, there are some real-world feelings involved, whether it is friendships or more which sucks you into this issue.


Speedsters are at their best when faced off against one another. Simon and his crew hint towards something much darker on the horizon despite this visually stunning issue.

I am very curious to see where this tale goes, especially with Thawn being teased at the end.

The highlight of this issue for me has got to be the panel where Wally takes off into the Speedforce after Barry in a panel of pure bliss. Trish and Mike have really killed it.

9/10 Cigars.

Thank you for checking out my review. For more reviews and all of our podcast episodes head to http://linktr.ee/hopsgeeknews

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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