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JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 – unparalleled excitement


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JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics) – Cover: Drew Johnson)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re diving back into one of the biggest pop culture crossovers in history. Combining two of Hollywood’s historic monsters from Legendary Studios/Comics is big enough, but adding in DC Comics’ legendary franchise takes it to a whole other level. Within a few issues, the series has delivered on big action and shows no signs of slowing down!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft picks up after last issue’s shocking ending. Let’s see where things stand now after the dust has settled!



When Godzilla invades Metropolis, this moves draws the attention of the Man of Steel himself, Superman. Little did he or the rest of the DCU know that the King of All Monsters would become the catalyst for an invasion of the Monsterverse into the DC Universe. It also doesn’t help matters that looming in the wings are the Legion of Doom. However, they have shifted their attention to one of its’ members who’s gone rogue.

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics) – Cover: Mike Deodato Jr.)

The first round has gone the way of the monsters in the initial encounter. Superman appears to have fallen in battle with Godzilla. With the rest of the DC Heroes trying to stop other monsters form destroying cities, is there anyone who can stop Godzilla now?

This issue starts in Central City. The Fastest Man Alive, The Flash (Barry Allen) is running into danger. The destination is Iron Heights Prison. What’s waiting for him is MUTO, a classic cthulhu-hybrid monster. Flash heads into the prison to stop a riot from the inmates. As a fog looms overhead, Flash slows down. This allows the meta-prisoners to get the upper hand on the hero.


Luckily, back-up arrives quickly as Supergirl and Green Lantern crash the party. With the mist dealt with, the focus shifts back to stopping MUTO. Plans are derailed for Supergirl as she notices she can’t hear Superman’s heart beat. Knowing something is wrong, she races back to Metropolis.

Readers bare witness to a bloodied and defeated Superman in the street. With other heroes trying to slow down the monster, one takes blame for the fallen Man of Tomorrow. SHAZAM powers up to take down Godzilla once and for all.

How does The World’s Mightiest Mortal contend? The answer doesn’t wait long to appear. The action moves fast as events spiral out of the heroes control. Can they find a way to get their “home field advantage” back? If the final moments are any indication, things might be going from bad to even worse!

JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. GODZILLA VS. KONG #3 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero and Comicraft (Credit: DC Comics/Legendary comics)- Cover: Simone Di Meo)

Buccellato spares no expense on delivering a non-stop thrill ride with this latest installment. Right from the beginning, the Flash conflict spotlights another DC Hero struggling to believe what they’re dealing with. Buccellato doesn’t spend too much time dwelling on the wonder and kicks right into the heart of the conflict and ultimate resolution.

The shift to Metroplois makes perfect sense as DC’s most powerful hero is defeated. The sense of panic fills those panels until ultimately Shazam enters the fray. Juggling so many characters, Buccellato never forces or cuts short time in the chapter.


Each major player gets their moment to tell their part. Pacing helps build up the closing act as a dangerous entity looks to have become even more deadly. There’s such a big “Hollywood” feel to this story that continues to impress.

The art gives each monster a dramatic entrance while building up their moments on page. Duce and Guerrero mix in near full page panels to emphasize this aspect. The moments with Godzilla really capture readers’ attention. From a near full page action shot to a fantastic two page spread, the fight rages on to an easy fan approval. The emotions run high as well concerning the fate of Superman.

Duce and Guerrero balance out the surge of fear and denial concerning the fallen ally with the frantic setting of the story. The latter half of the issue shines as a major player appears to be ready to impact the main plot. The issue is capped off with a strong final image tipping its hand at how bad things are going to become. Another great visual read!


The mayhem continues as the monsters run wild in the DCU. Buccellato weaves in big action with emotions running high as hope takes a huge hit. The art team construct visuals that give this story the proper larger than life feel it deserves. If you’re not picking this up on New Comic Book Day, you’re really missing out!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Justice League Vs. Godzilla Vs. Kong #3. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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