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SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D’Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment – Cover: David Nakayama)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are checking out the adventures of one of the Spider-verse’s most popular characters. Since impacting pop culture audiences in the smash Spider-Man Spider-verse animated films, Gwen Stacy from Earth-65 has become one of Marvel’s most beloved heroes. Now poised to take the lead in an all-new adventure, fans have much to be excited about.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH #1 by Melissa Flores (MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, THE DEAD LUCKY), Enid Balam, Elisabetta D’Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles present the next chapter of the Ghost Spider. Let’s not wait any longer and see what the new story is all about!


On Earth 65, people are running out of “Freak Out”, an establishment that is hosting a certain band for the night. The group? The Mary-Janes! As Em Jay tries calming the crowd, the cause for the disruption appears to be Spider-Gwen aka Ghost-Spider!

Readers see a quick flashback to moments prior. While playing drums on stage, Gwen Stacy notices an approaching threat coming near the stage. Pink Velvet is making her way through the crowd. She’s addressing her social followers and touting about her super-villainy. Gwen’s sensing danger as she gets close to Em Jay.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D’Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment – Cover: Ivan Tao)

Before she can strike, Pink Velvet is taken down by Ghost-Spider! However, the fallout works in Velvet’s favor. Being an “influencer”, Velvet speaks as she was the victim and paints the picture this is all Gwen’s fault. After a heart to heart with her dad, Gwen is called away to meet with the band.

Once she arrives, Gwen sees an offer of a lifetime. The Mary Janes have been asked to open for DAZZLER and the UNCUT GEMS for their tour!

Readers see how an offer of a lifetime has much more than meets the eye behind it. What could be the meaning behind their addition to the tour?

The story cranks up the volume as Gwen and company get their information. They also get a party crasher fans won’t see coming. While still processing this, fans are left with a solid last song (or in this case image) until the next tour date.

Flores unveils a very fun and engaging story for readers right from the opening pages. Gwen is presented as an unlucky soul searching for something.

The life of Ghost-Spider isn’t perfect and the clashes with Em Jay work to slowly build the drama. The moments with her father are brief but reinforce the drive to find her happiness through her musical responsibilities.

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH#1 by Melissa Flores, Enid Balam, Elisabetta D’Amico, Fernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles (Credit: Marvel Entertainment – Cover: Peach Momoko)

The story begins to take things up a few levels once Dazzler and her associates appear. Flores puts a few great twists on some classic characters, giving readers a fresh perspective.

One in particular will catch some off guard, but that plays into the enjoyable aspect of what is being presented here. This all leads into the final act where more layers of the tale begin to peel back and show there’s more to the latest saga than just rock and roll.

Balam, D’Amico and Sifuentes keep things energetic as the music begins to play. Readers don’t have to wait too long to see Gwen in action. The scuffle with Pink Velvet is brief but gives readers a few noteworthy panels featuring Gwen in action.

The moments with her dad rewind the tension and allow Gwen to have some character moments. This caps off with a fun train sequence meeting up with The Mary Janes.

The introduction of Dazzler and company makes an impression with a near full page panel. The art spotlights the mutant rockstar with some noteworthy concert visuals before ramping up the drama into the latter half of the book.

The reimagined characters are featured well into the overall picture. Their spotlight is stolen by the antagonist, who leaves readers with great action sequences. This all leads to an excellent closing page before bowing out until next time.


No matter the earth, the life and times of Spider-Gwen are never ordinary. Flores’ creative takes and writing lead the visual ensemble of Balam, D’Amico, Sifuentes and Cowles to compose a new tale fans won’t want to skip on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Spider-Gwen: Smash! Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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