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Netflix Recap of Episodes 5-8: With Love, Meghan —


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And we’re back to Meghan-land. Ready to dive back in with me? Okay!

Let’s get this party started….

Episode 5: Surprise and Delight

Courtesy of Netflix

We are trekking around Montecito (although I wish they would specify the location of these places to better support these local enterprises) to gather goods for more entertaining and dining – this time with Meghan’s friends, Abbie and Kelly.

Stories through flowers (as she proposes a la a Nancy Meyer book) sounds nice, but I’m far too practical for my own good. I personally buy from the grocery store AND only when they’re 50% off. Meanwhile, MM is gathering a forest for a one-off meal. Ah, to be rich. Although – pushing reality aside, me seeing the blooms is truly beautiful, NGL. And then we segue into floral arrangements and how-tos regarding it. Personally, I agree with her premise that it looks like it would be a zen/soothing exercise.

She is a huge fan of edible flowers (and now is using them to add to ice… for drinks/cocktails). Side thought: there’s this HILARIOUS instagram account that literally pokes fun at rich people for their shaped, flavored, filled ice cubes. It’s a societal commentary about how it appears to be a (clearly and only) ‘wealthy’ pastime.

Now it’s branzino making time (salt-crusted) … which IMHO the master of this technique is Chef Thomas Keller (and me swooning at his culinary prowess). This is honestly making me want to venture in to the kitchen (I’m a decent cook but in terms of cooking for pleasure… it’s been awhile since I have adapted this mindset, so I thank MM for helping me cultivate this feeling again).

We are starting to see repeats of her personal preferences now. I feel like this is the third time I’ve heard her talk about prepping a crudite platter. Luxe Veg Accessories… Am I Right?! Also, not her busting out the flower sprinkles AGAIN. haha. It’s cute and an injection of joy… so I get it.

They crack into the salt-baked branzino (which looks fun… a bit like an archeological dig lol). And then make ice cream for dessert (and her telling an anecdote about her first job was at an ice cream shop). It’s a sweet memory shared (yes, pun intended).

Last thoughts on this episode: Her guests are gorgeous humans but again – a bit forgettable. In the future, they need to be more consistent with seeking out memorable personalities – Mindy and Roy were the best thus far.

Episode 6: The Juice Is Worth the Squeeze

Courtesy of Netflix

Apparently it’s ‘girls’ game night’ – but first, in the morning, she tucks into an avocado toast then charms (again) the director Michael Steed with more food with a ‘Manwich’ (copious amounts of bacon and runny egg between two pieces of sourdough). It works, because he’s devouring it with reckless abandon.

Then we are on a mission to make a taco bar for said game night event. But again, because we are starting to see patterns of behavior emerge, she makes a carnation floral arrangement. It’s very cute-sy, feminine, and dominant in pastel colors.

Chef Ramon Velasquez is her guest today and we’re immersed in another cooking-esque based show. I feel these (thematically) are a lot stronger than the ones where she’s more in the realm of entertaining – because there are established goals and expectations for the viewers, if that makes sense. The only suggestion I would make/ wonder about is if the producer pre-vets their on-camera dynamic prior to filming … because so far, a lot of it is hit-and-miss. In any case, now I’m watching them making chicken Tinga together and I do appreciate some of the realness injected into the show (like not having every piece of cookware squeaky clean and new).

We are onto a quickie ‘dehydrate citrus’ segment (for cocktails). Garnishes are pretty but whenever I’ve been gifted any such items, I either forget to use it OR wonder what to do with it (because IMHO I don’t feel it’s edible… I’ve tried to chew it but it’s NOT tasty lol).

The girls games night (which actually takes place in the daytime with Mahjong) looks legitimately delicious… but if I were to replicate this, honestly – I’d probably do this with… Taco Bell and call it a day LOL.

Episode 7: Elevating the Everyday

“Share what you have,” MM – it’s a nice sentiment to start off the episode.

Vicky Tsai – a friend who has a beauty brand – Tatcha – is coming over to hang with The Duchess today and make potstickers.

MM starts off by making a Harvest basket (a fancy way of saying groceries) for her friend… it’s giving Farmer McGregor a la Peter Rabbit.

Side thought: She is wearing a LOT of light colors while cooking throughout this series and honestly, I’m impressed (and have had low-key anxiety attacks on her behalf especially when it comes to red sauce-related splatters). If it was me, my fits would be smeared with anything and everything I’ve been prepping.

Watching the two make the potstickers reminds me of when I used to make dumplings with my grandma. Childhood Nostalgia activated.

At one point they’re talking about being ‘perfectly imperfect’ – which is incidentally the philosophy MM was chatting with the director about trying to convey in this series. I appreciate the sentiment – but everything still looks so damn perfect LOL… so *shrug**

Back to the dumplings. Damn. I’ve NEVER seen this done before – where they’re not individual dumplings but rather a massive Frankensteinian-dumpling-pancake situation where they’re stuck together and presented that way on a platter. I’m stunned but I feel I want to try this now (just because it looks like a textural pleasure-ville to consume with the golden brown ridges/exterior to supple meat filling inside).

The episode finishes off with them making their own Japanese Polishing face masks. The caliber of ingredients used (matcha, raw honey, ube) is incredible (and again – y’all have to suspend disbelief here…myself included) but the practical part of me is ALSO like “I’d rather just eat this food” LOL.

Episode 8: Feels Like Home

Courtesy of Netflix

We are on the last episode of the series and the premise is a celebration brunch party with friends/family. The special guest is legendary chef Alice Waters (I’m personally a huge fan of hers) who is helping her prep for this event.

Meghan wrapping presents (to give to Alice as a gesture of gratitude for stopping by) and making it look like fun – BUT, as someone who personally wrapped presents as a teen during the holiday season at the mall – that was my LIVING HELL. But I’m happy someone is cultivating joy from this exercise.

Alice is such a soothing presence and her wisdom and ethos about urban farming is so inspired.

MM also has a chicken coop. But of course she would LOL. I think nothing should surprise me at this point about what she has on her palatial property… and somehow, it still does. What strikes me is likely the upkeep on all this — it must be insane.

Anyhow, the eggs she collects are for the quiche she’s making with Waters. For anyone curious, Netflix has compiled all the recipes (and crafts she made) in an article, so if you want to try them out yourself, check this link out.

It dawned on me that I thought this series would feature more of her husband and kids, but I’ve yet to see them. I suspect they may (finally) make their debut in this episode.

Now we’re into menu/party planning for this brunch celebration. I do appreciate her cursive writing – which is very much a dying art form. Then we’re into some kitchen action as she executes this menu. And of course, it’s not an MM moment without edible flowers making an appearance somewhere. She uses more of them in her icebox cookies. I have to admit, after watching a blitz of these episodes to write these reviews for NI, I found myself baking more (albeit leaning upon a cheatsheet. E.g. using a cake box mix BUT adding artisan melted dark chocolate to it, cocoa powder, and chocolate chunks) … but have I achieved domestic goddess status?? Hardly. But if it’s inspiring me to get into the kitchen, I feel like others who are watching her show may sub/un-consciously do the same.

Finale segment: The weather is oh-so-fine, the plates as pretty as a picture, and the guests are all smiling and imbibing… and OH! I called it… Harry makes an appearance, at last.

A toast to the end of Season 1!

And last but not least… it’s official! There will be a Season 2. Will you be watching too?

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