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I saw Captain America: Brave New World yesterday, and here are my spoiler free thoughts. I went into this having only seen the teaser trailer as I wanted as many in theater surprises as possible. Which I’m very glad I did.
Captain America: Brave New World
This movie hit the ground running and immediately gave us a moment we have waited a long time for. The last few years many Marvel fans have complained about the various scenarios that have been brought up, only to be completely ignored. While there’s still a lot we’re waiting for (was Wesley Snipes telling the truth… is there really only ever gonna be one Blade?), this movie looped a lot together and made Earth-616 (or Earth-199999 depending who you’re talking to) feel a bit more connected again.
Check out a review for the newest Sam Wilson Captain America comic book.
In addition to tying in some loose ends, we’re also slowly getting some Fox Marvel stuff sprinkled in. While many may know of a certain material showing up from the trailer, I did not. So hearing the material get said in an MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) movie starring Captain America prompted a gasp from me. While Deadpool & Wolverine definitely scratched that itch, I’m glad in the core MCU movies they’re doing this slowly, as I know the payoff will ultimately be worth it. And hopefully next time Scarlet Witch doesn’t just immediately off everyone.
Isaiah Bradley
Carl Lumbly first introduced Isaiah Bradley to the MCU in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier on Disney+. While I loved him in that, he was fantastic in this. Not only do we get to see some old man super soldier serum put to the test, we also get to see a softer side. A side that brought me to tears. Lumbly’s delivery of this character in one particular scene was absolutely heartbreaking. I’m so glad Bradley’s Captain America is getting some recognition, and they could not have picked a better actor to play him.
Captain America
One of the things that makes Sam Wilson stick out from so many of his superhero friends and enemies, is his lack of any kind of superpower. Every ability he has, he has earned. While he has some very helpful toys (those Wakanda wings in action are awesome), he’s not Tony. He can’t be covered in nanotech in seconds if caught off guard. Also, if his “toys” break, he’s vulnerable. Because of that, we get some incredible fight scenes.
We’ve seen countless super fights in the almost 17 years (whoa… that math hurt) since Iron Man kicked off the MCU. However, the ways Sam’s Captain America fights in this with acrobatics, flips, and punches really made for extra action packed fight scenes.
I could write this all day
Honestly, I could go on and on about this movie, but since this isn’t a Steve Rogers Captain America film, I’m not gonna do this all day. To wrap up, I think Harrison Ford did a great job taking over where William Hurt left off. While Hurt is no longer with us, Thunderbolt Ross got to live on, and tell more of his story. A story which began almost 17 years ago. We had no idea where it was going to go at the time, but I think we can collectively agree we never thought his story would still be going on today.
While there are other characters I didn’t even touch that killed it in this movie (figuratively, and sometimes literally), I have to give a shout out to Joaquin Torres, who we met in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Any south Florida sports fans, will enjoy a couple of his clothing items.
Overall grade: 8.5/10
All in all I loved Captain America: Brave New World. While I have watched Deadpool & Wolverine countless times, it still felt like a Fox movie taking place in the MCU. While, Captain America: Brave New World is truly an MCU movie through and through. It brought us back to where it all started. This franchise has grown to levels bigger than the Red Hulk, and yet this movie showed us how it’s still all so connected.
Want a refresher of past MCU content before heading to the movies? Lauren is also half of Hops GEEK News, and their recent podcast did just that: Captain America: Brave New World Pre-Show.