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West Coast Avengers #3 Review! There’s a Terrifying New Church in Town!


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West Coast Avengers #3 – Writer – Gerry Duggan, Artist – Danny Kim, Colorist – Arthur Hesli, Letter – Joe Caramagna, Cover – Ben Harvey (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

West Coast Avengers #3

Writer – Gerry Duggan

Artist – Danny Kim

Colorist – Arthur Hesli

Letter – Joe Caramagna

Cover – Ben Harvey

Read the review for the last issue in this series here!

West Coast Avengers #3 – Writer – Gerry Duggan, Artist – Danny Kim, Colorist – Arthur Hesli, Letter – Joe Caramagna, Cover – Matteo Lolli and Arthur Hesli (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

The Story:

A new Ultron has revealed himself and his terrifying new church to the Avengers. Meanwhile, we learn how Iron Man and War Machine’s Ultron came to be a hero.

The Writing:

This is not an easy group of characters to tackle. However, Gerry Duggan continues to prove that he is just the one for the job! As I have said many times before, Duggan has a real talent for getting into the minds of the characters and portray a diverse group effortlessly. This is especially on display with the multiple different Ultrons in this issue. Even though they are all Ultron, they really seem like different and unique characters. It’s a real treat to see this once one-note villain continue to become more and more interesting as the years progress. The standout moment of this issue is the flashback page early on. Gerry Duggan keeps diving into Marvel’s past in the best possible ways.

West Coast Avengers #3 – Writer – Gerry Duggan, Artist – Danny Kim, Colorist – Arthur Hesli, Letter – Joe Caramagna, Cover – George Perez and Edgar Delgado (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

The Art:

The art team of Danny Kim and Arthur Hesli deliver another great bit of work here. Everything in this issue involving Ultron, in any of his forms, was a feast for the eyes and full of Easter eggs. The real standout moment, however, is the throwback artwork at the beginning of the issue. The panels recreating Ultron’s creation and the early team of Avengers that he fought brought the biggest smile to my face. Of course I must take a moment to acknowledge that incredible cover. The image of Ultron hovering over humanity as a savior instead of a destroyer is one that sent chills down my spine.

Overall Grade: 10/10

This series continues to be my favorite pick up each week. With a heavy emphasis on Marvel’s past while still building towards the future, West Coast Avengers is the easiest recommendation on the stands now.

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Derek Hoskins
Derek Hoskins
Derek is the Co-Founder of Paperweight Entertainment, along with Ian Torrance and Colonel Bob Tingle. He is the co-host of the Paperweight Entertainment Podcast, a life-long fan of Star Wars, Iron Man, Marvel, DC, and all comic related media. He is a firm believer that, in the words of Qui-Gon Jinn, “Your focus determines your reality.”

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