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REDCOAT #9: Rotten Apples


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Redcoat #9: We all know the tale of Johnny Appleseed. Or so we thought that we did. Simon is off on his adventures and this time we are greeted with a tale of whirlwind summer adventure as Johnny and Simon face giant worms, mighty apples, and a sense of growing morality!

Redcoat #9 by Geoff Johns, Bryan Hitch, Brad Anderson, Rob Leigh, and Andrew Currie. (Credit Ghost Machine and Image Comics. Cover by Bryan Hitch and Brad Anderson.)

Geoff Johns (WRITER/CREATOR) Bryan Hitch (INK/CREATOR/COVER) Andrew Currie (INKER) Brad Anderson (COLORS/COVER) Rob Leigh (LETTERS)


The Story:

Something about this issue and the way Johns lures us it feels like there is a lesson that we could all learn from right now. There are details and breadcrumbs in this issue that Geoff does well and twists to mold his and Bryan’s version of history. We get to learn about Christmas and figgy pudding, how the apple became the fruit of America, and more minor historical nods that make the reader smile.

Deep within the adventures though there is more to be said for Simon. His moral compass is continuing to grow and he has guilt plastered about him. Johnny brings it to a head by discussing what we all have noticed and what Johns has done well to slowly roll out. Simon is deep down a good human and inherently wants to do good for the world. He may not know how but when the chips are down he rises to the occasion. To me, this deeper and long-running plot thread is keeping its hooks sunk into me. Johns knows how to tell one hell of a story.

Art and Letters:

I would like to start by throwing flowers at Rob Leigh who in this issue does minor things with his lettering as he always does but, stands out to me. Switching between cursive and “regular” lettering I cannot help but fall in love with the style it is done in. To me it is the difference in this comic from the others and what makes this a cinematic-like tale.

Now as far as Andrew goes and his coloring there are some heavy standouts in this issue. I have no idea how he did it but, there is a panel where the giant apple tree towers over and behind it a fiery sunrise in the sky. However, it is the details of this sunrise such as the circles it creates on the page and the way it weaves behind the green, red, and brown that left me awestruck and wondering how this is even possible. This issue is one for the color lovers out there.

With Bryan we get the details such as the mighty tree in comparison to our characters but, also when we are faced with the gigantic worm. There is a heavy amount of accurate detailing with line work and the teeth and arms stood out to me. Little details matter and even getting wrinkles around the eyes of Johnny are all things I love to see and showcase the team’s dedication to this comic.

Final Thoughts:

Redcoat #9 is a love letter to narrative stories reflecting on past events. Simon’s adventures continue and weaving historical characters and fun events into his story is what makes this comic stand out on its own. This issue is no different as it is a palate cleanser from the previous darker issues and sets us off on a fun childhood-inspired adventure!

Overall Grade: 10/10

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Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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