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The Amazing Spider-Man #65.Deaths – A Broken Hero


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Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! And this week I’m going to be reviewing the latest issue in the Amazing Spider-Man series from Marvel comics!

Derek Landy is writing the issue this issue this week in place of Joe Kelly, and the issue isn’t bad. Spider-Man is the appointed savior of the Earth, and if he fails everyone will die. But just how is Peter handling this? Let’s jump into it and find out!

The Amazing Spider-Man #65.Deaths – Courtesy: Marvel Comics (cover: Mark Bagley & Richard Isanove)

The Amazing Spider-Man #65.Deaths by Derek Landy (writer), Kev Walker (Penciler), Kev Walker & Wade Von Grawbadger (Inkers), Mattia Iacono (Colorist), VC’s Joe Caramagna (Letterer), Mark Bagley & Richard Isanove (Cover) isn’t the greatest issue you’ll read this week, but it’s still an important story.

Firstly, the issue picks up right where the last one left off. Peter is ready to quit on Doctor Strange and walk away from the task set before him. Secondly, he’s dealing with the emotional stress of having experienced the deaths of everyone he cares about.

While the last issue was a great one, this one isn’t as good. Without a doubt it’s an emotional one because it’s an internal look at what Peter is going through during this whole ordeal. However, it’s a story we’ve seen before. Clearly Peter has gone through a lot of turmoil and heartache during his 62+ years of publication. Clearly if you’ve read the comics or seen the movies, you’re familiar with some of that heartache.

It should be noted that I can understand why the story is being told. To see Peter Parker so willing and ready to give up is shocking. Additionally, a moment like that needs to be expanded upon. While the story could’ve been told over a couple of panels in issue 66, it makes sense to expand on it here in a broader sense.

FINAL POINT: The issue is a nice companion piece to the previous issue and reads nicely if you read them back-to-back. However, on it’s own the issue isn’t very strong and suffers from a story that’s really lacking in any punch that is something we haven’t seen before. It’s not integral that you read this issue, however it does add some depth to the stakes surrounding Peter.

Overall Grade: 6/10

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