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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2: Peter’s Destiny is Down but not Out!


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Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #2:

With the Disney + show about to hit the streaming service in January, we’re getting an intimate look at this Spider-Man’s origin and it differs greatly from the original comics with some nice ties to the original origin.

In this version, Spider-Man and his friend Nico are doing everything in their power to stop mod boss Silvio Manfredi from destroying their high school.

He still has to deal with all the problems of a teenager with super powers, but with a much more modern twist.

Credit: Marvel Ent

Creative Team:

Writer: Christos Gage

Artist: Eric Gapstur

Color Artist: Jim Campbell

Letters: VC’S Joe Caramagna

PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics

The Art:

Gapstur again delivers such a fun take on the character. Peter is still learning his powers and growing into a young adult in the process.

He still has silly priorities like most teens – Money, girls, fame and more. But he has the heart of a hero and it truly comes out in the art and the action.

There’s one REALLY cool scene around halfway into the issue that is yet another homage to an iconic 1960’s Spider-Man cover. There is a true effort to pay tribute to the past while giving Spidey a new and unique future.

Check out Another Spiderman Review Here!

The Writing:

The writing is once again fun and edgy, much like Spider-Man was in the 1960’s when he was first introduced. You get a front row seat into the life of a teen learning to manage high school with super powers.

The bullies, the drama, the action, the jokes – it’s all classic Spider-Man. Well, classic Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, since Peter is so hell bent on this becoming a thing.

We also get so many cool perspectives of old characters like the Enforcers that modern Spidey fans might not know about if not for this series. These are some long forgotten villains and it’s nice to see them dance with Spidey once again.

Overall Grade: 9.0/10

This issue is where things really pick up and we’re left wanting more as Peter may be down but not out.

This is such a fun entry point for non-comic fans, both young and older alike. I highly recommend checking this series out as it’s getting better through every page!

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Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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