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Radiant Black is returning on February 26th. While waiting for the future, we’re looking back at Radiant Black’s Story So Far.
Read Radiant Black #30/30.5 Review Here
The book’s Creative Team includes:
- Writers: Michael Busuttli & Kyle Higgins
- Artists: Marcelo Costa, Eduardo Ferigato, & Thobias Daneluz
- Colorists: Marcelo Costa, Natalia Marques, Igor Monti, Triona Farrell, Raul Angelo, & Rod Fernades
What’s nice about this comic is that it’s a Past Meets Future Story. We’re getting to see Radiant Black’s past stories while getting a tease of the comic’s future.
But it starts with Nathan and Marshall’s intros. As soon as you meet both of them, you understand what both are going through. But seeing both of them take The Radiant, you knew at that point, things were never going to be the same for these friends.
I love seeing when Nathan getting The Radiant, and then dying. Meanwhile, I also loved seeing Marshall taking The Radiant and using it to bring Nathan back.
We also get to see fellow heroes Radiant Red, Pink, and Yellow. It’s fun to also see the other heroes who made their mark on The Massiveverse and Radiant Black’s world.
Welcome To The Catalyst War
You also get to see all of the enemies featured throughout the book. From there, we see when the comic splits between Nathan and Marshall sharing The Radiant. I also loved seeing what the boys were against when sharing Radiant Black’s powers. You then get a long look at the trials the boys went through.
The most heroic thing is seeing when Marshall took Radiant Yellow’s powers to close his timeline. You then get to see when Nathan left, and Marshall assumed the role of Radiant Black. One final thing is seeing where the comic is going once Issue 31 releases.
Overall Grade: 10/10
Getting to look back at Radiant Black while prepping for what’s coming is perfect. This comic is perfect for fans who read the book and for new fans as well.