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Sentinels #4 – Big Changes on the Horizon


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Creative Team – Alex Paknadel(writer). Justin Mason(artist). Federico Blee(color artist). VC’s Travis Lanham(letterer). Justin Mason & Federico Blee(cover artists). Pasqual Ferry & Edgar Delgado(variant cover artists).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Catch up with Sentinels #3 here!

Cover art by Justin Mason & Federico Blee. Published by Marvel Entertainment

“With the program shuddered by Corina Ellis, the Sentinels face an uncertain future. What does it mean to be terminated when your job is literally your life? And what will four unstoppable super-soldiers do with the time left to them?”

The Story

After the mission in Madripoor that went horribly wrong, it seems there’s some pretty big changes coming for the Sentinels. One change, for instance, is that Trask has been fired from the Sentinels program. But before he’s able to leave, he’s cornered by Phillip, AKA Scurvy, who was a big player in X-Men #9. Phillip won’t let him leave without finding out some information that shows how Trask originally created the Sentinel Program.

Meanwhile, Lockstep is having issues of his own as he’s started grafting, which means he can’t keep his emotions in check. Usually, when a Sentinel starts to graft, they are killed off as there’s no way to control that. Knowing that, Lockstep says his options are either a cell or casket. But Corina Ellis says she can offer him another option. If the past few X-Men and Uncanny X-Men comics have taught us anything, it’s that Ellis always has something up her sleeve, so I’m very curious where this leads to.

Speaking of grafting, VoiVod was the latest victim to grafting and his team refused to take him out as they were instructed to. So, Trask had Voivod locked away but now, thanks to Sawtooth, he’s busted out. He told Sawtooth that he can show her how Trask created the Sentinel Program and prove that all of the Sentinels are actually one big family.

Variant cover art by Pasqual Ferry & Edgar Delgado. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Writing

While I’ve really been enjoying this run, this particular issue of Sentinels felt very different, but in a good way. It feels like the stakes are about to get higher than ever, and this is just the beginning of huge changes coming to the Sentinel Program. Alex Paknadel does an excellent job of having so many moving parts happening at once but keeping them very smoothly working.

I’m really enjoying getting to know each Sentinel team member and seeing a little more of their background. Lockstep’s story is one I’m really interested in as he still has contact with his son, which I found surprising. Drumfire is another one that has my attention as she is so desperate to stay on the mood stabilizers to avoid her visions.

The Art

The artwork of Sentinels has been consistent in quality as I feel it perfectly captures the grittiness of the story. Justin Mason has handled the art in such an expert way, but in Sentinels #4, I feel like he really flexed his talents.

In Sentinels #4, there were quite a few things that caught my eye that felt really fresh to the run. For example, when Sawtooth and Voivod were fighting off the Sentinel hounds, the colors and graphics were beautifully done and added a bigger punch to the fight. Another instance of this was when a certain character from the past died and was brought back as a Sentinel. The panels looked like it was out of a horror movie and it fit the tone perfectly.

Final Thoughts

I’m still loving everything the creative team is giving me in Sentinels. So far, it’s been a fun read with a darker and more grounded tone than a lot of the X-Men centered comics have been. No shame to them at all, but this feels worlds different from the rest.

Overall Grade: 9.1/10

This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast. If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Sentinels #4, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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