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Absolute Wonder Woman #3:

The Tetricide is bearing down on Gateway City, bringing death and fear with it. Diana is running out of time and must enlist the help of every citizen to defeat this creature. Absolute Wonder Woman issue 3 explodes with magic and a warrior rises from the ash in the end.

Absolute Wonder Woman #3 by Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman, Jordie Bellaire, and Becca Carey. ( Credit DC Comics. Cover by Hayden Sherman and Jordie Bellaire.)

Kelly Thompson (WRITER) Hayden Sherman (ARTIST and COVER) Jordie Bellaire (COLORIST and COVER) and Becca Carey ( LETTERS)

***Possible Spoiler Warnings***

The Story:

Kelly is crushing this reinventing of Diana. Shining through at her core is the bravery and warrior spirit that Wonder Woman has and is about. However, Kelly is doing some new and intriguing things in this run.

Diana’s backstory in Hell is shrouded in her learning and executing powerful magic. Her magic-wielding abilities are something that is also coming into play as she plans to make the city deaf to save them.


Thompson does not shy away from showing that Diana will go to any length to save the world as she sacrifices her right arm to save Steve.

Their bond is perhaps the most beautiful part of this story. Thompson just gets this character and every panel is bursting with something new and exciting . It adds to the lore of Diana, Queen of the Amazon’s.

The Art and Letters:

Hayden and Jordie are an excellent tag team with the art and colors. The reds and the black inks Jordie works with stand out brightly amongst the grey and ominous backdrop. When it comes to coloring Diana, Jordie expresses emotions through her eyes. We see her eye color change or the immense greens when magic comes into play. Now Hayden is meeting the excellence with the intricate line work with the Tetricide and how entangled Diana and the creature become in battle.

Becca is capturing the heart and emotion through the letters. The sequence of Diana asking for help and explaining that the citizens may not be ready for magic captures the dire tone and what is at stake. She enhances the emotion the art team is conveying to the audience perfectly.


Absolute Wonder Woman #3 is an emotional and action-packed gut punch. This series is standing tall and adding depth to Diana and building tension throughout. You cannot sleep on this story because it has everything you could want and more from DC.


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Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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