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Batman The Long Halloween, The Last Halloween #3:

It’s been months since Detective Gordon’s son has disappeared, and there has not been word of his whereabouts. Jim is growing desperate as a copycat killer of Holiday is on the loose, tying up loose ends among Gotham’s “freaks.” As things grow desperate, the answer Batman seeks may lie in one last riddle. That is, if he can get to it in time.

Batman The Long Halloween, The Last Halloween #3 by Jeph Loeb, Mark Chiarello, and Richard Starkings. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Tim Sale.)

Jeph Loeb (Writer)

Mark Chiarello (Artist) Richard Starkings (Letters)

and Tim Sale (Cover)

DC COMICS (Publisher)

The Story:

Jeph ups the ante in this issue by drawing away from the action-heavy and diving into the detective side of the story in a more significant way. This issue is wonderfully capturing the sense of urgency that Batman, Robin, and Gordon are all facing as chaos is ensuing all around them.


Loeb captures Jim and Batman’s relationship in a very unique way when Batman states how Jim’s pain is Batman’s pain which is not something I have seen spoken in a Batman comic before now.

Loeb also uses every piece of Gotham and Batman lore to continue peeling back the layers of this story. Robin’s sense of needing help and being anxious, combined with Catwoman and Batman’s relationship being showcased briefly, shows just how much love and fun Jeph has.

Batman The Long Halloween, The Last Halloween #3 by Jeph Loeb, Mark Chiarello, and Richard Starkings. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Tim Sale.)

The Artwork and Letters:

Mark does some astounding work and some of the best in this arc so far. Most of this issue takes place in the shadows and ominously builds the noir detective story. He dials back from showing characters full-fledged and instead offers to give us basic outlines.

Check Out The Last Issue Here!

It leaves the majority of this issue to the audience’s imagination. It’s unique and works well to build the scenery. That’s not to say this issue does not have wonderful use of colors because it is bright when it needs to be and dim when it calls for it. The colors and background are just as much the story as the writing.

Speaking of the writing, Starking’s use of letters is another background piece that moves the story along even more. Whether it is gunshot effects or upside-down lettering on the pavement, it all builds into this story, adding elements and layers.


Batman The Long Halloween, The Last Halloween #3 leans heavily into the Detective Noir genre as the stakes rise. We are left on a cliffhanger, moving the story into more mystery than action. I’m very much continuing to enjoy this run and it should be a priority to read each month!

9.5/10 Overall

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Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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