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The Immortal Thor #17 – A Plan Backfires


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The gods of Midgard rise! The Immortal Thor #17 by writer Ale Ewing, artist Jan Bazaldua, colorist Matt Hollingsworth and Letterer Joe Sabino

The villains defeat Thor – The Immortal Thor #16 by Al Ewing, Jan Bazaldua, Joe Sabino and Matt Hollingsworth, Marvel Comics

Turned to Stone

The Immortal Thor #17 Variant by Greg Land, Marvel Comics

Previously on Immortal Thor. TA group of villains ambushed Thor. Led by the Radioactive Man, Cobra Mister Hyde, and the Grey Gargoyle the group managed to get the jump on Thor. Their coordinated efforts guided the Odinson to their trap were the Grey Gargoyle waited for him. The result? The Immortal Thor was turned into stone. If it wasn’t enough, Mister Hyde broke the statue. The question now is: Is Thor dead?

*Spoilers Ahead*

An Old Self

Thor died along with the stone statue. Or at least it appeared so. Thor consciousness traveled into an eternal void. There in the void, Donald Blake received Thor. This was no social call. Donald Blake had some strong words for Thor. Beyond the initial reaction, Donald Blake had an important message for Thor. The Odinson would have to fight his way back to life.

The Immortal Thor #17 Marvel Two-in-One Variant by Stefano Caselli, Marvel Comics

Plan Backfires

The villains did not get a change to enjoy their victory. Before they could celebrate their feat, the remains of Thor magically put themselves back together. Thor returned to life, and he was mighty pissed. They try to fight back but Thor threatened to blow up the Radioactive Man. So, they rogues retreated. No one was willing to stand there and call Thor’s threat a bluff.


Enchantress to the rescue

Unbeknownst to everyone, it was Enchantress who returned Thor back to life. Thor was in Amora’s debt. She reminded Thor all she wanted form him was to have her son restored. They took their leave and headed back to Asgard. There, Thor decided to give into Amora’s wishes.

One last trick

Without giving it too much taught, Thor arrange for Ullr to light the secret flame of Asgardian magic. Thor used the Asgardian flame along with the All-Power to grant Amora’s wish. The Enchantress was to get her child back. Specifically, her son Iric. But Amora the Enchantress had other plans. It wasn’t Iric, nor Ove the child she wished to be returned. While Thor summoned the All-Force, Amora pulled a fast one and wished for her son Magni to return to life instead. Magni is the child of Enchantress and Thor from a future alternate timeline that doesn’t exist anymore.

What about the Art?

The Immortal Thor #16 by Al Ewing, Jan Bazaldua, Joe Sabino and Matt Hollingsworth, Marvel Comics

To be very honest I’m not the biggest fan of Jan Bazaldua’s pencils. Your mileage may vary. However, I can appreciate Bazaldua’s style has provided consistency to the run since issue 13. Regardless of my opinion, Bazaldua’s panel structure is very solid and it’s easy to follow along. Matt Hollingsworth’s coloring is very sharp. This creative team compliments each other very well.

I give this issue a 6 out of 10.

Al Ewing continues to bounce the All-Father Thor around. It feels to me that, although Thor possesses all the powers available to him, he lacks character. Furthermore, Thor has no agency. Including this issue, this is about the third time the Enchantress gets a leg up on Thor. The Odinson continues to be a victim of circumstances or the plotting of others. Early in the run it was Loki who played games with Thor. The it was Mother Gaea’s turn. Not long after that it was Dario Agger and Enchantress and so on. At one point the new All-Father, Thor Odinson, has to take charge of himself.   

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