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FRANKENSTEIN #2: The Brain of a Killer


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Frankenstein #2:

You adopt the traits of those you surround yourself they always say. In this case, Fritz has either adopted the traits of his master, Henry, or vice versa. How far is Fritz willing to go in his service for Doctor Henry and his creation of the “perfect specimen.” A run-in with a police officer and a murder may soon disrupt even the most thought-out plans in Frankenstein #2.

Frankenstein #2 by Michael Walsh and Toni Marie Griffin. (Credit Universal Pictures, SKybound Entertainment, and Image Comics. Cover by Michael Walsh.)

Creative Team:

Writer and Artist: Michael Walsh

Colors: Toni Marie Griffin

Cover: Michael Walsh:

The Art:

This issue features a slightly different color tone than issue #1 in that we have a heavy draw with yellow, whether it is through light or the liquid holding the brains of the dead. Frankensteins Monster remains the terrifying feature of this book and yet it’s Fritz who is drawn and colored amongst the shadows so frighteningly. Michael displays the anger and anguish Fritz feels and the horror and empathy that Elizabeth is going through well and meanwhile Toni adds the perfect blend of shading and tones to sllightly hide the faces adding to the emotional depth this issue brings to us.

Frankenstein’s Monster himself is so beautifully drawn in his limited time it feels suspenseful, which can be hard to convey through panels.

The Writing:

Michael is delivering a masterclass in character depth and development. Fritz is loyal to a fault, so much so to Dr. Henry that he is willing to do whatever it takes to complete his “mission.” So often, a story can ignore the backstory of characters such as Fritz, but the little lines explaining where he was found add so much to the story. The ever-obsessive Henry slips further into madness to show he can do what he has set out to do. He is forsaking personal relationships and losing humanity. Giving us mere glimpses of the monster add more and more layers to this story I don’t know that four issues will be enough.

How Do I Feel?

Frankenstein #2 is more than creating a monster; it builds the characters we often forget exist in this story. The subtle lines and hints do so much to make the world we are playing in you care more about their stories than you do the monster. I am extremely intrigued to see where this story finishes I have no doubt the final two issues will be just as good as the road so far.

9.5/10 Overall

Thank you so much for reading my review! I am Matt from the podcast Hops Geek News where we talk comics, movies, and TV shows. To find our weekly episodes or more reviews head to

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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