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Throwback Thursday! The 1979 Hot Wheels Service Center


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It’s Thursday here at Play4Keeps and that means we take a look back at the toys we loved and sometimes wished we had! Today’s entry comes at the request of our very own Tom Craven, the Pop Culture Connoisseur himself! As a child of the 80’s Hot Wheels was a big part of our toy culture and no toy was as cool as the Hot Wheels Service Center Foldaway Garage.

Front of Box of the Hot Wheels Service Center Foldaway Garage. Courtesy of Vault 1541.

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This things was iconic and and so many memories were made. You don’t have to take my word for it though…

Tom Craven: “As a boy i remember having the a match box carrying case. a clear plastic front that held my cars. some clad with metallic paints, some with color changing paint, others with moving parts (aside from the wheels.) At one point the Hot Wheels service center came in to my possession. The odd thing is i SWEAR i had the brown version, which was released prior to my debut on this planet.

Sources say that it was either a hand me down OR purchased for me via yard sale from an Uncle the verdict is out on that one. it served me well as a play set for those various cars for quite some time. Till the stickers came peeling off then it turned into (in my head cannon) the alternate base urban for M.A.S.K. since trying to find Boulder Hill was near impossible.

The fact you could close up your play time for easy clean up was always a bonus for me and my parents as they only had to yell at me five times to clean up and go to bed. The next day you open it back up and start over again.

It served me the first decade of my life and has always been a fond memory hearing the plastic full off whatever toy of the month i was using in my imagination bounced thru the winding ramps and crevasses as i took it from my toy box to play area.”

Throwback Thursday! - Play4Keeps #toys #retro #hotwheels

That’s a wrap on this weeks Throwback Thursday and the Hot Wheels Service Center! Thanks for stopping by Play4Keeps and remember to follow us on all social media platforms for fun and positive toys and collectibles content. That includes some really awesome action figure reviews! Also be sure to check out our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store for all toys and collectibles needs!

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Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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