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KILL ALL IMMORTALS #2: Never Turn Your Back On Family


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Kill All Immortals #2 by Zack Kaplan, Fico Ossio, Thiago Rocha, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. (Credit Dark Horse comics. Cover by Oliver Barrett.)

Kill All Immortals #2:

Creative Team:

Writer: Zack Kaplan

Artist: Fico Ossio

Colors: Thiago Rocha

Letters: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou

Cover by: Oliver Barrett

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Issue #2 picks up in action-packed fashion right where #1 left off. Frey and Sordinn are on the run as the secret of Frey’s family has been let out, and now their lives are at stake. The secret of immortality lies deep in Viking lore and a war looms on the horizon. Kill All Immortals #2 takes the action up to 11 and there’s no turning back once family is involved.


The Art:

This issue is full of fast-paced non, non-stop action that belongs on the silver screen. I will say it again. It is impressive how Fico crafts such intense action sequences full of emotion and brutality. Meanwhile, Rocha’s meets Fico’s energy and delivers blood-soaked page after page. The issue is full of “breather” moments that allow the reader to catch their breath, and the raw emotion drawn within our character’s faces is done just as impressively as the fight sequences. These are two artists at their best, crafting something beautiful with every panel.

Kill All Immortals #2 by Zack Kaplan, Fico Ossio, Thiago Rocha, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou. (Credit Dark Horse comics. Cover by Oliver Barrett.)

The Writing:

Zack has done his homework as this story unfolds. The amount of Viking lore being delivered helps suck the reader deeper into the mystery of how this family has gained immortality. While there are pages full of action within this issue, Zack does not let that get in the way of furthering our story.

He leverages emotions as we can feel Frey’s desperation with the help of Hassan’s incredible lettering. Though this issue ends on a cliff-hanger it’s evident Zack knows precisely how to capture an audience leaving us salivating for the next issue as though our lives depend on it.


Kill All Immortals #2 packs a heavy punch as the heart-racing action continues the more desperate Frey and Sordinn become. The team assembled on this might be a gold medal contender because of the way they intertwine action and emotion.

10/10 Cigars.

Hey! This has been a review by Matt from Hopsgeeknews. For more reviews and a link to podcast episodes head to http://linktr.ee/hopsgeeknews

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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