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Absolute Power Task Force VII #3 – Jadestone’s Clash with Green Lantern’s Willpower


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Credit DC Comics

Absolute Power Task Force VII – DC Comics

Creative Team:

The Writing:

Jeremy Adams delivers a compelling narrative as Amanda Waller’s Amazo Robots continue to wreak havoc, stealing the powers of beloved superheroes. The storyline intensifies when Jadestone absorbs Alan Scott’s power of free will, creating an intriguing internal conflict. This issue focuses heavily on character development, subtly hinting at potential flaws in Waller’s plan that our heroes might exploit. The inclusion of numerous characters showcases the breadth of Waller’s impact, keeping readers on edge about the heroes’ chances. The plot progression is solid, maintaining excitement about the future of this event.

Check Out Another Absolute Power Review Here!

The Art, Colors and Letters:

Credit DC Comics

 Marco Santucci’s art and Arif Prianto’s colors are detailed and enhance the flow of the story, emphasizing Jadestone’s internal conflict. The absorption of the Lantern’s powers by Jadestone is visually striking, with wavy and fire-like effects that signal the ensuing conflict. The depiction of Green Lantern’s powers subtly shows Jadestone within the constructs, adding depth to the artwork.

Dave Sharpe’s lettering is crucial in this issue, highlighting the struggle between Green Lantern’s willpower and Jadestone. The red and green coloring in the inner dialogue effectively conveys the constant battle within Jadestone, making it clear and engaging for readers.

Final Thoughts:

Absolute Power Task Force VII #3 delivers a gripping story with strong character development, striking art, vibrant colors, and effective lettering. The issue sets the stage for future conflicts and leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment.

Overall Grade 8 out of 10

Thanks for checking out my review for the NI Comics Bullpen. Let me know what comics you’re reading and hit me up on any social media platform here! Till next time…

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Your friendly neighborhood SCUBA Instructor that loves comic books, movies and casual gaming. Data Engineer by day comic book reader by night! Comic Reviewer for Nerd Initiative! Also into show skiing, wakeboarding and snowboarding

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