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Top 10 Most Anticipated Comics for the Week of 7/31/2024


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Maybe it is the hangover from San Diego Comic-Con, or the fact that it is a 5th Wednesday but this week is far lighter than most. Seems like a lot of publishers wanted to get their big books out for the Con, but there is still some things to be excited about including the return of one of the best Comics today.

(Editor’s Note: Solicitations are provided by the Respected Publishers) 

10. Super-Pets Special: Bitedentity Crisis #1

Writer: Kyle Starks, Alexis Quasarano, Dan Watters, Michael Conrad, Tony Fleecs

Artist: Kyle Starks, Christopher Mitten, Mike Norton, P.J. Holden

Publisher: DC Comics 

Solicitation: BITEWING AND THE SUPER-PETS, TOGETHER AT LAST! The Super-Pets are back — and this time, they’re all BITE! Haley, the beloved bark-out star of NIGHTWING, finds herself to be a fish out of water when she arrives on Kent Farm. As our big-city mutt tries to adjust to country living, she’s shocked to discover a kennel of courageous critters is already waiting for her! Bitewing, meet the SUPER-PETS — and you might want to hold on tight because things are about to get hairy! Also featuring — stories of misch-woof an

Why it Made the List: I have a special place in my heart of pet superheroes. Does not matter if it is Marvel or DC if super pets are involved I am going to be checking it out. Looking at the list of creators for this anthology they smartly choose some individuals who have already proven they can write stories about animals.

Kyle Starks had a really good Marvel Pet Avengers book last year, and of course, Tony Fleecs has written both Feral and Stray Dogs. So I am looking forward to their installments the most. Plus how can you not love that pun of a title? Knowing the sense of humor of Kyle Starks I feel like that was his doing. Whoever it is definitely deserves a raise of some kind. 

9. X-Force #1

Writer: Geoffrey Thorne

Artist: Marcus To

Publisher: Marvel

Solicitation: A NEW PATH FORGED! The world is fractured. FORGE uses his powers of invention to devise the only fix: an all-new, all-different X-FORCE! Forge leads a custom-made, handpicked team of mutants — RACHEL SUMMERS, BETSY BRADDOCK, SAGE, SURGE and introducing TANK — in off-the-books missions so dire, so integral to the fate of the Marvel Universe, there’s no time to stop for permission! As Forge detects increasing threats across the planet, he will recruit a specialist for each target — first up: that regenerating degenerate, DEADPOOL! Be here for an X-Force like you’ve never seen them before, stick around to see who joins, who lives, who dies and uncover the mystery of Forge’s discovery!

Why it Made the List: I have a special place in my art for super pets, and also one for the X-Force. So anytime we get a new start with this team I am checking it out. I was a fan of X-Force before being an X-Men fan because to me they just seemed like even cooler versions of G.I. Joe. It will always be weird seeing an X-Force team that does not include Cable, but at least they still found a way to have giant oversized fun on the cover. Have to appreciate the consistency there.

It does seem like it is leaning heavily into that 90’s nostalgia which can go either way with me. The team lineup is a bit odd but sometimes odd can work if done right. Also having Deadpool on a team can be a bit of a double-edged sword. When he is written well like in Uncanny X-Force it can lead to one of the best Marvel books of the era, but when he is written poorly he can quickly drag down a book. A lot of uncertainty here but hoping for a pleasant surprise. 

8. Drawing Blood #4

Writer: David Avallone, Kevin Eastman

Artist: Kevin Eastman, Troy Little, Ben Bishop

Publisher: Image Comics 

Solicitation: The Hollywood mogul making the “gritty” Ragdolls movie gives a disastrous interview on the first day of New York Comic Convention…and a legion of loyal fans are after Books’ head! Can he make things right, or will he face…The Wrath of Con?

Why it Made the List: Drawing Blood is an enigma of a book and that’s a big reason I enjoy it as much as I do. It has been this massive look and critique of the comic book industry and the way it has morphed with the involvement of other parties, especially Hollywood. Using this clear caricature of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to form those thoughts, and when one of the creators on the book is Kevin Eastman it adds a lot of validity to what is being said.

I Cannot help but think this is a way for him to look back at some of the decisions he made and wonder if they were the right way to go. Beyond those elements, it has just been a good story that has been able to exist within multiple genres at once. It is a book determined to not be hindered by convention in any sort. All of this has made it one of the biggest surprises of the year thus far, and a series that needs far more attention. 

7. Grim #19

Writer: Stephanie Phillips

Artist: Flaviano Armentaro

Publisher: Boom! Studios 

Solicitation: Jess’ fight against Adira continues, but there are new enemies she will have to face!

Eliminating chaos in the afterlife will be a tall order, and the question of who will rule in the end still remains…

Why it Made the List: This arc is the first time I have been current enough with Grim to read it in issues. This is a series that reads well in trade, but this arc in particular works so well in the issue format. We have come to that part of the story where we are taking a step back to learn more about these characters that have been here since the beginning. Filling in some of those holes of who they are and how they got here.

Just in time for what seems like a massive confrontation that has been building since issue one. The imagery of this series has been particularly strong and Flaviano Armentaro was challenged even more recently as the story has slowed down a bit. But he has kept the book looking as good as ever. 

6. Ultimate Spider-Man #7

Writer: Jonathan Hickman

Artist: Marco Checchetto

Publisher: Marvel 

Solicitation: THE ULTIMATES RETURN! NEW ARC STARTS HERE! After their intense battle with the Kingpin, Green Goblin and Spider-Man both know they aren’t as ready to reshape the world as they hoped. Harry and Peter get to work, while Ben and Jonah work on “the truth”… And problems for their resistance arise when the ULTIMATES return!

Why it Made the List: I have enjoyed this series since the start but mentioned I needed something a bit more from it. Seemed like it was chugging along with not a major amount of story happening. That changed with the last issue as we got our massive confrontation, and now with a new arc starting I wonder how much the pace will change.

I went into this book hoping it would focus more on the fact that Spider-Man was a family man. We got a few glimpses but nothing major. Considering the way the last issue ended it makes me believe that will be changing as well. Also happy to see Marco Checchetto is back on art duties because this book has been at its best when he is on it. 

5. Fantastic Four #22

Writer: Ryan North

Artist: Ivan Fiorelli

Publisher: Marvel

Solicitation: ONE LAST HOPE! Alicia Masters and Reed Richards — and the survivors of New York — are lost, alone against the vampire menace, and Reed’s exhausted. But they still need to survive — and avoid being turned into undead blood parasites. Reed has one last desperate hope, and it’s not guaranteed to work — but there is at least a chance… if he can survive long enough to test it! This conclusion to our BLOOD HUNT tie-in ends in a twist that you will NOT want to miss! PLUS: PART 3 OF DEADPOOL/WOLVERINE: WEAPON X-TRACTION!

Why it Made the List: If I was ranking these just based on the qualify of the cover this would easily be number one. Alex Ross showing the world he’s still got it all these years later. This is easily my favorite Marvel comic by far and even when it gets pulled into a massive Event its quality has remained. The last issue focused on Reed and Alicia as they tried to protect citizens from an army of vampires. Loved how it approached Reed’s thought process on life including how he appreciates art. Appreciated how it was able to have those character moments within all the chaos. Hoping for more of that with this issue. 

4. Sanction #3

Writer: Ray Fawkes

Artist: Antonio Fuso

Publisher: Mad Cave

Solicitation: When violence puts Detective Dimitrovich’s family in danger’s path, Detective Smirnoff takes steps to protect both them and his own reputation – even if it means skirting the law. Despite the mounting threat, Dimitrovich’s interest in the case turns to obsession – revealing more murders – and leading him to a deadly discovery.  

Why it Made the List: This has been a really good year for crime books and Mad Cave comics. Sanction has been a part of both of those successes. I have dubbed this The Russian Wire which I realize perhaps puts a lot of pressure on a book because when you compare anything to The Wire you will expect the best of the best.

Obviously, I have enjoyed it but the approach to how the structure of the system is so corrupt it is nearly impossible to do the right thing. When you do you are more likely to be getting in trouble than thanked for your hard work. Also with this being Russia that trouble could mean losing your life. That has certaintly aided in crafting a story full of tension. 

3. William of Newbury #3

Writer/Artist: Michael Avon Oeming

Publisher: Dark Horse

Solicitation: From the co-creator of the Eisner Award-winning, bestselling POWERS comes this brand-new anthropomorphic supernatural series that’s Hellboy meets Redwall.

William and Winnie have been arrested by Abbot Edward and are on their way to trial. But they must make an escape to arrive in Melrose Abbey where they will confront their most dangerous revenant yet. This undead chaplain has chased away the clergy, burst nuns into flames, and leaves devilish claw marks on the church. What will William and Winnie do when this evil raises its full power against them?

Why it Made the List: When I read the first issue of William of Newbury it was not really clicking with me. I could not explain it beyond it felt like I was on a completely separate track from the book. I could tell the artistry was there but I was not fully absorbing it.

What helped was going back a second time and the familiarity I gained really let me enjoy the second read far more. So when issue two came out I was primed for it and enjoyed it from the get-go. This is Hellboy by way of Usagi Yojimbo with Michael Avon Oeming’s own personal flair. He has created some remarkable imagery already with this world. His cartooning is as strong as ever. 

2. Grommets #3

Writer: Rick Remender, Brian Posehn

Artist: Brett Parson, Moreno DiNisio

Publisher: Image Comics 

Solicitation: A house party plan is hatched on a ditch day at the arcade when Rick and Brian take their shot at the girl of their dreams, but will Liberty Spike Mike’s defiance of Nancy Reagan make their dreams go up in smoke?

Why it Made the List: What is my favorite Rick Remender comic? Probably the last one I read, or maybe the next week. So many to choose from. Only having read two issues Grommets is already competing for that top spot. These are the type of stories I adore.

Just tales of people living their lives. This is heavily entrenched in skateboard culture and that was never really my thing. However, the appreciation the creators have for that life is so strong as I reader I can feel their love for this time. It captures the spirit of youth where life feels open-ended and you just can’t wait to get to the next chapter. Brett Parson and Moreno DiNisio’s work mesh so well together making this book look pristine. 

1-Saga #67

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan

Artist: Fiona Staples

Publisher: SAGA returns for its epic 12th season as 12-year-old Hazel embarks on the most important adventure of her young life.

Solicitation: Image Comics 

Why it Made the List: It’s back! No offense to the other books on this list but once I saw Saga was once again returning I knew right away what was going to hit that top spot. In preparation for this return, I have been rereading this from the beginning yet again just to remind myself why I enjoy this book as much as I do.

When you get as popular and as acclaimed as Saga plenty will want to bring it down by saying it is not as good or has lost a step or two. Maybe it has but even a Saga half as good as it was at its height is far better than most books. Plus more Fiona Staples art will always be a good thing. The time jump opens up the door for so many possibilities as well. Comics are simply better when we are getting new issues of Saga. 

A fan of all things comics and believer in, "Comic are for Everyone, the Key is Finding the Right One". I hope to help in that search which is why I dawned the moniker Comic Concierge. Find most of my stuff on TikTok.

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