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Ultimate Black Panther: Protect the People At All Costs?


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Credit: Kode Abdo Marvel Comics

Writer Bryan Hill

Artist Carlos Nieto

Colorist David Curiel

Letterer Cory Petit

Cover Artist Kode Abdo

Publisher: Marvel Comics

T’Challa is back again, with a crossroads. After talking to Shuri, about what he is going to do about Ra and Khonshu. T’Challa seems like he is trying to reason with Khonshu, but, the conversation is not going anywhere. 

Meanwhile, Khonshu is trying to show his true power, in assisting with problems that the community is having. In other words, he is trying to play God.  T’Challa of course, does not like this and he needs a plan to stop him from doing this.

Ra and Khonshu have a conversation, and they want to take over Wakanda. Ra tells Khonshu that don’t underestimate T’Challa, because he will come after them. They both understand that T’Challa is very strong.  As a whole, the Wakanda nation still believes in the Black Panther, and it’s infuriating both Ra and Khonshu. They want the Wakanda people to believe in them. That way, they can take advantage of the resources and possibly overthrow T’Challa’s power.


Ra and Khonshu both invade a mineral refinery. T’Challa eventually comes, all suited up in his Black Panther attire.  He tells everyone to evacuate, as he goes toe-to-toe with both of them. Black Panther ends up fighting with Khonshu, and Khonshu explains that they cannot be stopped. Black Panther still fights him and tells Khonshu to leave. Khonshu says okay, and to prepare for war.

Again, I am on the edge of my seat to see what will happen next. Both Khonshu and Black Panther are equally as powerful and able to fight. It seems that Khonshu has the upper hand though, just because of his God-like powers. Black Panther has more hand-to-hand combat skills. I am wondering who will end up on top.

I enjoy the dialogue, between all of the characters. I like when the stakes are very high, and that the Wakanda nation might be in danger. I also enjoy seeing T’Challa being a king, and really trying to protect his people, but also the outside world. He is always thinking about the entire world, and that is what makes him a great king.

I give this a 10/10.


Janelle Holland
Janelle Holland
My name is Janelle, and I love comics, T.V. shows, movies. I enjoy everything from Marvel to DC. You can usually find me with a comic book in my hand and some coffee.

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