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The Ultimates #2 – Battle of the Best Patriots


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Creative Team – Deniz Camp(writer). Juan Frigeri(artist). Federico Blee(color artist). VC’s Travis Lanham(letterer). Dike Ruan & Neeraj Menon(cover artists). Nick Bradshaw & Rachelle Rosenberg, Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson, Inhyuk Lee(variant cover artists). Jay Bowen(design). Michelle Marchese(assistant editor). Wil Moss(editor). C.B. Cebulski(editor in chief).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Cover Art by Dike Ruan & Neeraj Menon. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Catch up with The Ultimates #1 here!

Cap’s Grief

When Captain America was broken out of the ice in The Ultimates #1, he was told that the United States of America is no longer the patriotic powerhouse he once knew. In fact, it’s actually been nothing since 1969. Leave it to Cap to watch to learn all he can on what he missed. The destruction, the depression, the loss, all caused by The Maker.

With all Cap learned about the former USA, The Ultimates pay a visit to the White House in hopes to get closer to saving America. Once entering what used to be the Oval Office, Cap and Iron Lad are greeted by none other than Midas. Turns out Midas purchased the White House back in the 60s in one heck of a deal. Midas, being the businessman he is, tries to cut a deal with The Ultimates but Cap isn’t having it. Cap just wants to save America like the soldier he is.

Evidently, no deal means a fight between Captain America and Iron Lad versus Midas. Something I really love about this is that this is the Cap we all know and love. The fighter, the do-gooder, the one who does what he can for what is right.

Variant Cover Art by Nick Bradshaw & Rachelle Rosenberg, Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson, Inhyuk Lee. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Woman of Mystery

Something very surprising happens and we get a look at a dark figure of a woman. The woman is hooked to a machine that’s holding her captive in her own cosmic radiation. Midas says that’s his love, or as he says, his bright and shining star. Midas says the mysterious woman is believed to have fallen from the future.

Cap and Midas fight until it seems like Cap can’t go anymore. Cue Janet, AKA The Wasp, joining the fight just in the nick of time. The Wasp zaps the cosmic machine holding the mysterious woman, which takes away Midas’ power source. Cap comes in blazing with some good hits on Midas. Now all’s left to do is save the mysterious woman, who’s identity truly surprised me and left me ecstatic, and get out of Dodge.

The Art

The way this comic is drawn matches the tone and plot of the story so perfectly well. There’s so many bright colors throughout The Ultimates #2 that gives it a cinematic feel. I really enjoyed how the flashback scenes to when Cap was learning about the downfall of America were much more muted than the rest of the panels. It certainly gave it that doom and gloom vibe that fit Captain America’s tone quite nicely.

Variant Cover Art by Nick Bradshaw & Rachelle Rosenberg, Terry Dodson & Rachel Dodson, Inhyuk Lee. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Writing

I loved that the continuation of The Ultimates #2 continued the excitement of the first installment, even more so in my honest opinion. Deniz Camp really excelled at showing the many emotions that go into this story. Whether it be the cockiness of Midas or the grief of Captain America, it was nailed perfectly.

I give this a 9.5 out of 10

This article was written by me, Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of The Ultimates #2, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of MediaVerse: Comics Unwrapped on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer for Nerd Initiative.

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