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Dick Tracy #2: Gather the Intel & Troops


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The gumshoe in the flaxen jacket has returned with issue two, lining up a battle in the streets.

A new guy shows up in “The City.” He’s an old ally of Dick Tracy, but he’s a man on a mission trying to find out who killed his brother. On one side, he’s going after some very familiar faces in Dick’s Rogues gallery. Tess has finally cracked the code on how you understand Mumbles. It’s a little too late as things seem to go “Flat.” and lets just say it gets BIG….. BOSS

The Story

With this being the second issue, we are doing all sorts of setups with the building blocks we’ve come to know. Just this time, from a different perspective. In addition to the hustle and bustle of the city, we get an intriguing backstory with Tracy suffering from PTSD, and it seems his current case intertwines in his mind’s eye.

The Art

Geraldo Borges understands the assignment! The script from Segura and Moreci has taken life under that art team’s skillful eye. The dichotomy of the noir vs the ravages of war doesn’t outshine one another but finds a happy balance.

Knowing how unique Tracy’s Rogue Gallery is, Borges is smart not to overdo wide panels trying to fill in all the details but rather give a likeness so we know which baddie we are looking at. But the close-ups, trust me, you can’t mistake Flattop for Pruneface.

Under the Yellow Coat

I can tell this is going to be a great run. With Mad Cave behind it and decades of characters to play with. I hope the team dives into the toy box of time and pulls out some very deep and off-the-wall characters.

The other thing I hope is with the PTSD side story. It’s done smartly. I feel writers use stories too often in recent media as a cheap narrative. This has potential, and I don’t want to see it squandered.

Dick Tracy #2 get a 8 out of 10 Wrist Radios

How are you feeling about the storyline and where it MIGHT go? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and please consider following me personally at OFF THE CUFF TOM on social media. Don’t forget to support your LCS and tune in to all the content here at the Nerd Inititave.

42/m/🌎 Cleverly Disguised as an "ADULT" Tom always has an opinion and isn't afraid to share it that why he's "OFF THE CUFF!" He isn't afraid to talk about anything or to anyone! As an "ELDER MILENNIAL" his Nerd Knowledge runs deep! He's "THAT GUY you take to Trivia Night or Karaoke Night"

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