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The Ultimates #1: Time Travel Frenzy?


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Cover Artist: Dike Ruan Marvel Comics


Writer: Deniz Camp 

Artist: Juan Frigeri 

Colorist: Federico Blee

Letterer: Travis Lanham

Editor: Wil Moss


In this new run, Ultimates issue number one takes charge with time travel. Our protagonist Iron Lad, (Iron Man’s son) is on a quest to get a team together. It jogs my memory of so many times The Avengers were becoming a team. 

Iron Lad explains that the former team are all in different spots. Including one of them having Captain America in ice, as well as a wounded Thor that was in the lab. 

When Iron Lad finds out that he can time travel, he tries to gather up his own team. Including Captain America, Dr. Doom, Sif, and Thor. Iron Lad is finding out for himself, that Iron Man had time traveled in the past, and that had killed people. Iron Lad said to the group there is to be no more time travel. 

Of course something comes up, where Iron Lad and the team have to. They meet up with Henry and Janet Van Dyme who have the Pym Particles, and the team needs them to join them in saving the world. Janet is furious with Iron Lad, because of what Iron Man had done to the world.  Iron Lad apologizes, and said that the world is at stake if they don’t use the Pym particles.  A fight starts immediately after, and Janet and Henry join the existing Ultimates team.

What I love about this new team, is that there are some existing and new people joining the team. It reminds me of  The Avengers, but it’s a refreshing group with all different abilities. I also like that everyone seems to want to work together. Even despite what former members had done in the past,  and to forgive and want to help save the world. I also enjoy the art that is throughout this first issue. Lots of cool action sequences, and also the characters are very colorful. Each character also has that classic art look, that has them looking like their original forms from when they were first created.

I thoroughly enjoyed this first issue. The Ultimates team seems like they are going to save the world. The only thing that I am nervous about, is if they all start to argue. I want them all to get along, and use their abilities to do good for the rest of the comic run.

I give this a 9/10.


Janelle Holland
Janelle Holland
My name is Janelle, and I love comics, T.V. shows, movies. I enjoy everything from Marvel to DC. You can usually find me with a comic book in my hand and some coffee.

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