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Spider-Man, Shadow of the Green Goblin #2 – A Book about Family and Heroes


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The REAL Normal Osborn is back in a throw-back of sorts and we’re getting to know the Green Goblin up close and personal in Shadow of the Green Goblin.

Last month, the Goblin prototype tried to kidnap Harry and the only clue to why came in the final pages, revealing his mother was behind the plot.

RECAP: Read All About Shadow of the Goblin #1

Back from the Dead

Everyone thought Emily Osborn was gone, including Norman.

But instead, she’s on a mission and all the while, she’s controlling this Goblin beast.

Credit: Marvel Ent

But the proto goblin is on a clock, as the formula continues to mutate him and even kill him, day by day, hour by hour!

But as much as the original Goblin wants to get back to his family, some other key families are grieving.

While Peter and May deal with the fresh loss of Uncle Ben, Gwen sits in the hospital as her mother deals with terminal cancer.

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Spidey Year One

We then move to Spider-Man and his early exploits as this is set early on in his crime-fighting career.

The Sandman is causing havoc and Spidey swings in to try and save the day.

I love the fact that we get an old glimpse of his Spidey signal, something that was an original vestige of the early 1960’s run.

Now, grieving from the loss of his uncle, Peter goes full strength in his battle with Flint, realizing he can’t hurt him.

He truly for the first time, “Lets loose.”

Family Everywhere

If you haven’t picked up on the theme of this book it’s family lost.

We then pan back to the Proto Goblin, who is stalking his old family, dreaming of a normal life with them.

We know Flint’s backstory and Peter of course. Add in Harry’s mom and this book really tugs at the heartstrings.

And there’s even a little bonding scene between Peter and Flint as they realize they’ve taken things too far and the two are more similar than they think.

Flint admits that he thought about being a hero at one time, but a man is “what a man is.”

Final Thoughts – 9/10

We close the book with Proto Goblin accomplishing his goal and kidnapping Harry, taking him back to his mother.

Spidey realizes it’s up to him to save the boy, so he springs into action.

We also see Norman looking at a broken pic of Harry and maybe just maybe that’s going to be the push he needs to become the goblin and fight fire with fire.

An interesting retcon that could really build on his backstory.

I’m hooked and this series has been such a unique take on Spidey’s journey.

Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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