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Writer Skottie Young
Artist Jorge Corona
Colorist Jean-Francois Bealieu
Letterer Nate Piekos
Cover Artist Jorge Corona
This first issue follows the protagonist, Ryder, who is a tough as nails woman who is constantly on the move. It seems that Ryder, has built a life for herself as she has a husband and a child now.
During this first issue, as the reader, you get to see how close she is to her child. There are still things unknown from Ryder’s past. It seems that all that is put behind her.
Due to an unfortunate circumstance, Ryder has to make a tough decision. Due to this, she is off on her own to go and face this problem head on.
Somewhere off to the distance, there are some ghosts who are rising up from the depths of the water. One ghost in particular is controlling them all. Who knows is Ryder will bump into them within the next few issues.
What I like about this first issue, is introducing the family aspect to this story. Ryder really seems to love her family, and has a close-knit relationship between her husband and child. Ryder also is a protector, which most moms are, but I feel she has even more of an edge because, of what she has been through.
I love the comic panel coloring, each panel is detailed to each character. There are distinct features that the artist draws out, especially within the hair texture and also the shades of the character’s skin tone. I’m excited to see where Ryder’s journey ends up at, and hopefully she can continue on being the rough-and-tough woman that she is.
I give this a 9/10.