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Top 10 Most Anticipated Comics for the Week of 4/17/2024


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When I put this list together I try not to overload it with books from Marvel and DC because I love to show other publishers some love as well. This week’s list though probably has the most from the big two since I started. Both Marvel and DC happened to be putting out several titles this week that I am excited about. It was not until I completed the list that I realized they made up half of this week’s books. Bound to happen in some weeks. Here’s hoping I put my faith in the right spots! 

(Editor’s Note: Solicitations provided by the Respected Publishers) 

10. Roxxon Presents: Thor #1

Writer: Al Ewing

Artist: Greg Land, Jay Leisten

Publisher: Marvel 

Solicitation: From the pages of IMMORTAL THOR — the ROXXON AGE OF COMIXX BEGINS! In his secret identity as A.I. spokesguru CHAD HAMMER, the son of Odin knows Mama Gaea is a TOP PRIORITY for heroes AND for business! But when a group of insane environmental activists take “saving the Earth” TOO FAR, it’s time to show them the wisdom on BOTH sides — AS THOR! But WHICH God of Evil is prompting the kids to rebel? Could it be…LOKI, GOD OF EVIL??? Featuring an all-star cast of heroes! MINOTAUR! EXECUTIONER! ENCHANTRESS! And the THOR-TRUCK! This is the story of THE ROXXIN’ THOR… and it’s a VITAL part of the “ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTION” MEGA-EVENT!

Why it Made the List: I have no idea what to expect with this comic. It’s a meta take on the capitalist structure of the comic book industry coming right from the pages of Immortal Thor. Roxxon bought the rights for Thor (in the universe) so now they get to write their comic. I am impressed Al Ewing was able to get this greenlit considering this seems to be critical of the type of company that owns Thor’s rights presently. I am not the biggest Greg Land fan but his style makes sense for a book like this. He tends to use a lot of photo referencing and lightboxing, which has resulted in a lot of controversy within the comic book landscape. I do not know if that was a reason he was placed on this book as an additional piece of meta-context, or if it was simply because he had a free spot on his calendar. Either way, I am just curious to see what this ends up being. 

9. Beyond Real #3

Writer: Zack Kaplan

Artist: Vincenzo Riccardi, Toni Fejzula, Fabiana Mascolo, Dennis Menheere

Publisher: Vault Comics 

Solicitation: An artist’s style. June and her new allies escape to a breathtaking world where humanity is absent but all of nature is vibrantly personified. As June tries to use her powers to lead the trio to the simulation’s final source, the world attacks them at every turn, threatening to drown them in doubt rather than let them find their way.

Why it Made the List: The first issue of Beyond Real was a satisfying slow burn of an issue that set the story’s emotional core. Issue two then expanded into the full concept of this comic bringing us deep into a world well outside the one we know. Now I am excited to see what issue three has in store to build upon what has been accomplished thus far. There are several artists on this issue which I assume means we are getting an array of different styles throughout this read. Often that would be something that would hinder the enjoyment experience of reading a comic, but here it makes sense as this world lacks limitations. One way you can demonstrate that is by utilizing the talents of different artists. Should make for a rather good-looking book and unique reading experience. 

8. I Heart Skull-Crusher #2

Writer: Josie Campbell

Artist: Alessio Zonno

Publisher: Boom Studios 

Solicitation: Trini and the Twins are well on their way to assembling a full team for Screaming Pain Ball! But after a mutant attack on their way to the qualifying match, things aren’t as simple as they’d hoped.

And with their competition having deep pockets, can they really convince serious players to join their team? They’ll have to find another way, like a sheer display of skill…

Why it Made the List: Speaking of good-looking books, we have I Heart Skull-Crusher #2. Alessio Zonno’s style is very crisp and energetic, which perfectly fits the tone for issue one. As I mentioned when the first issue made this list I love comics or any stories that focus on sports in a post-apocalyptic setting. It is a weird niche I know. This appears to be taking the classic trope of getting the team together and putting its spin on it. Trini as a character has this infectious spirit which helped in the first issue a great deal. Looking forward to seeing this cast of characters grow. Rather enjoy being a part of this world.

7. Blue Book: 1947 #3

Writer: James Tynion IV

Artist: Michael Avon Oeming


Solicitation: Now a changed man after his bizarre aerial encounter with the mysterious fleet of light in the sky, Kenneth Arnold hunts for evidence of his confrontation to show the world, while at the same time federal agencies begin to get in the way of his quest for truth.

Also including a True Weird backup story by Chris Condon, Jacob Philips, and Aditya Bidikar!

Why it Made the List: I love that this book exists! UFOs do interest me, but I am not someone who goes seeking every little detail or historical account. Maybe it is because I am still traumatized by episodes of Unsolved Mysteries when they covered UFO sightings. I just find the history of these tales in Blue Book fascinating. Are they true? Were people making this up? I do not know the answer to that but I appreciate the way this series presents them. There is no extra drama added for entertainment purposes as this just recounts history as we know it. I love non-fiction comics but rarely do they come in issue format. So whenever we get a series like this it is a real treat. 

6. Batman / Superman: World’s Finest #26

Writer: Mark Waid

Artist: Dan Mora

Publisher: DC Comics 

Solicitation: BEWARE THE POWER OF THE DOOM-MITE! Following the imp-shattering events of the BATMAN/SUPERMAN: WORLD’S FINEST 2024 ANNUAL and #25, it’s up to Mr. Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite to convince Batman and Superman that they’re for real this time! If this dynamic duo of odd couples can’t work together, then our entire dimension is in jeopardy!

Why it Made the List: I am writing out of things to say about this series because every time it comes out it is making this list. This time around we are getting Mr. Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite taking center stage. Usually, that would mean we are getting a romp of a tale, but as mentioned this is building from the events of the past annual where things got quite serious. That is one of Mark Waid’s greatest skills as a writer, finding new ways to tell old stories. It is a must in the comic book world when working with characters nearly a century old. What also helps? Great artists like Dan Mora, who are also gifted storytellers in their own right. At this point, if you enjoy DC comics and are not reading this series I just feel bad for you because you are missing out on one of the best runs the company has published in ages. 

5. Wonder Woman #8

Writer: Tom King

Artist: Daniel Sampere

Publisher: DC Comics 

Solicitation: THE AMAZON WARRIOR VS. THE SOVEREIGN! Wonder Woman vs. The Sovereign! After being captured by a team of villains, Diana finds herself at the mercy of the scariest of them all. Unbe­knownst to our hero, the Sovereign has been pulling her strings since the very beginning of our tale, and now it’s time for her to see the world his way as she falls under the influence of the Lasso of Lies! Plus, Trinity visits the past and unexpectedly changes the future!

Why it Made the List: The last issue of Wonder Woman took a step back so now we can a step forward. It was like a commercial break where the commercial is a really good comic book issue designed to build anticipation for what is coming next. That can be a bit annoying but the good type of annoying. Based on the solicitation this will be a landmark issue where a lot will be revealed. I had a feeling things were not as they seemed and now those answers are coming. Also, Daniel Sampere is back on art duties, which is a welcome return. He is doing Eisner-level work with this book which is a commonality between a lot of Tom King comics. The man knows the benefit of working with a good artist. 

4. Blow Away #1

Writer: Zac Thompson

Artist: Nicola Izzo

Publisher: Boom Studios 

Solicitation: Unyielding wildlife photographer Brynne Brautigan, isolated in the remote cold of Baffin Island, sees something she can’t unsee.

An argument, followed by an outburst of intense violence between two nearby climbers-did she just witness a murder?

In a frantic search for the truth, Brynne discovers just what she’s looking for, but little does she know that more than the silent white of winter is keeping her company…

Why it Made the List: When it comes to placing new series on this list there are two key factors in concept and creators. I have greatly enjoyed the work of  Zac Thompson including the current series Cemetery Kids Don’t Die. So seeing his name on this made it an instant read. The more I read about it the more excited I get. Thompson has mentioned this series is very much a love letter to Alfred Hitchcock who is one of the greatest directors in the history of movies. I am not very familiar Nicola Izzo, but Thompson has a good eye for artists so I trust the artwork will be stellar as well. 

3. John Constantine, Hellblazer: Dead in America #4

Writer: Simon Spurrier

Artist: Aaron Campbell

Publisher: DC Comics 

Solicitation: CONSTANTINE DISGUISED AS A PRIEST… WHAT COULD GO WRONG? John Constantine… faith healer? Disguised as a Catholic priest in a small town near the Texas-Mexico border, John searches for the connection between how a dust-ridden county turned out a massive harvest and Dream’s missing sand. But this good-natured, all-American town has an ugly secret… one that brings John, Nat, and Noah face-to face with monsters of a very human kind.

Why it Made the List: This series has gone full Vertigo. That is not something you see in today’s world since Vertigo has been replaced by Black Label. Perhaps the best part of that is the amount of story you get in one issue. Each issue so far has been its own complete story while building toward a larger narrative. Few creators better understand John Constantine than Simon Spurrier and Aaron Campbell. They proved that with their previous series and that has continued with this book. With this issue, we get John Constantine trying to play the role of a Priest. You just know all things are going wrong with that. What I have greatly enjoyed as well is the band of characters that they have built around Constantine for this series. It has made for the most dysfunctional of dysfunctional families. This is the worst road trip one could imagine and it’s been fascinating watching Constantine deal with the chaos. 

2. Avengers: Twilight #5

Writer: Chip Zdarsky

Artist: Daniel Acuña

Publisher: Marvel 

Solicitation: America and democracy are under attack! Can THE AVENGERS of tomorrow save a country from itself, as their greatest enemy dismantles everything CAPTAIN AMERICA holds dear? It’s a battle decades in the making, and no one is safe!

Why it Made the List: This is the most I have enjoyed an Avengers story in quite some time. Avengers are at their best when the odds are not in their favor and use their will and vigor to try to turn the tide of battle. That and the fact one of their members is a god. Always good to be able to pull that card. Daniel Acuña is doing what he always does by making one gorgeous-looking book especially when it comes to his color choices. When I look at why this series has worked it is due to how character-driven it has been. Captain America has been the vocal point but even some of the newer characters have had their moments to shine as well. Making Tony Stark and Janet Van Dyne’s son the center of the conflict has provided a seamless way to connect the past and the future. Just a lot of small smart choices that have made this a standout among all other Marvel books. 

1.Helen of Wyndhorn #2

Writer: Tom King

Artist: Bilquis Evely

Publisher: Mat Lopes

Solicitation: From the Eisner Award-winning and bestselling creative team of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow—source of the upcoming film from DC Studios, comes this Gothic sword and sorcery epic that’s Conan the Barbarian meets The Wizard of Oz.

As the secret history of her family begins the unravel, Helen explores the grounds of Wyndhorn House and its many inhabitants both real and fantastical, on a quest to understand her true family heritage and what role she plays.

Why it Made the List: Helen of Wyndhorn #1 was one of the most anticipated books I read this year and when that happens that usually leads to disappointment. That did not happen as Bilquis Evely, Mat Lopes, and Clayton Cowles put together one of the best-looking books I read all year. A lot of it was built on the power of juxtaposition. On the surface, you have this high falutin family that exists in the upper of the upper class. Underneath that is a great deal of damage as well as a multitude of secrets. With the first issue, we were just getting started as the ending gave us a hint of what was to come. Looking forward to seeing more of this world and what fantastical things this creative team has in mind. 

A fan of all things comics and believer in, "Comic are for Everyone, the Key is Finding the Right One". I hope to help in that search which is why I dawned the moniker Comic Concierge. Find most of my stuff on TikTok.

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