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Top 10 Most Anticipated Comics for the Week of 4/3/2024


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Recently there has been an increase in comic creators creating their imprints with publishers like Image and Dark Horse. This week Ghost Machine has its true debut with three new books coming out, but also Rick Remenber’s Giant Generator sees the renewal of one of last year’s best comics. Creators getting more power is always a good thing. Here’s hoping the books are great as well.

Onto this week’s countdown…

(Editor’s Note: Solicitations are provided by the Respected Publishers) 

10. Red Sonja: Empire of the Damned #1

Writer: Steve Niles

Artist: Alessandro Amoruso

Publisher: DYNAMITE 

Solicitation: After landing in jail following a night of drunken revelry, Red Sonja hears an outlandish story from a fellow inmate. Deep in the mountains lies a dead city in a valley with no name. Abandoned and forgotten, its fields and streets are littered with the bones of two armies, all destroyed by a curse from a warlock who has long since vanished, along with his vast treasure – untold riches just waiting to be taken.

At least that is the legend. But Sonja’s cellmate Morgo has more than a diverting tale – he’s also got a map that says this legend could well be reality. All they need to do is break out of lockup and hit the road – which may be easier said than done!

Why it Made the List: Ever since I read Mark Russell’s run on Red Sonja I have been trying to find another run that I could enjoy to a similar level. A writer like Steve Niles could do just that. 30 Days of Night is up there as one of my favorite horror comics ever and if a similar vibe could be brought to this series it would make for something very different for the character. A good artist also helps, and Russell had Bob Q who was wonderful in depicting the world of Red Sonja. Alessandro Amoruso is not someone I know a great deal but the first time I read a Bob Q was on another Dynamite series Lone Ranger. So we have seen Dynmiate take unknown artists and make them work. Hopefully, they have given Niles another talent to work with like Russell. 

9. Deadpool #1

Writer: Cody Ziglar

Artist: Rogê Antônio

Publisher: Marvel

Solicitation: A NEW ERA FOR THE MERC WITH A MOUTH, AND A GUN, AND A SWORD… Cody Ziglar (MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN) has a wild ride planned for the Merc with the mouth! Introducing a terrifying new villain who won’t stop until he catches Wade in his DEATH GRIP. But all work and no play makes Deadpool a very dead boy!

Why it Made the List: When it comes to comics I follow creators not characters, but there are those characters I will always try when a new series or run begins. Yes, Deadpool falls into that camp. I have not loved a Deadpool run in years despite some great talent working on the character. Cody Ziglar is rising in the ranks within the world of Marvel.  Ziglar comes off as a massive fan of this entire universe which could work well for a character like Deadpool. Plenty of deep cuts with his different references. Everyone is aware of the breaking of the fourth wall, however, that can lead to a lot of lazy jokes. Also, those jokes can overtake the story quickly. For Deadpool to fully work stories need to give some weight to the actual story and allow Deadpool to be a complete character. If that happens maybe I’ll have another Deadpool run to follow. 

8. Godzilla vs. the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers II #1

Writer: Cullen Bunn

Artist: Baldemar Rivas

Publisher: IDW PUBLISHING / Boom Studios 

Solicitation: Worlds collide a second time as everyone’s favorite kaiju meets up with Earth’s mightiest warriors once again to take on the most fearsome monsters from both sides of the multiverse, with Rita Repulsa egging them on!

This one has it all: SpaceGodzilla! Clawhammer! Tentacreep! But what exactly does Rita intend to do with their collective might, and how have her mysterious new allies, Astronema and the Alliance of Evil, given her added reach across worlds? The Power Rangers are on a mission to find out, but first…all roads lead back to Godzilla!

Why it Made the List: As I write this I am getting ready to watch Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire. A movie I am certain knows exactly what it is and is proud of it. I live high art as much as the next person but I also like to partake in silliness. It’s good for the soul. The first Godzilla vs. the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was pure fanservice. For comics like this, I am fine with it. We already know based on the Solicitation we are getting SpaceGodzilla. What more could you want? (Maybe more dunking on Charles Barkley) That seems like complete joy in comic book form. It’s a great time to be a Godzilla fan. 

7. The Immortal Thor #9

Writer: Al Ewing

Artist: Ibraim Roberson

Publisher: Marvel Comics 

Solicitation: THE ENCHANTRESS OF WORLDS! The Son of Odin came to the citadel of Roxxon — to make war for the sake of the Earth herself. But his enemies were waiting to steal from him the one thing that was Thor’s alone… and they had crafted the foulest of weapons to do it. This is the story of THE IMMORTAL THOR… and of the trap he could not escape.

Why it Made the List: I recently caught back up with The Immortal Thor after the news of the upcoming major event surrounding the character of Thor. Although the term event may be too strong of a word. I am unsure what exactly they are doing but they do appear to be getting rather meta with the character’s concept. Having Enchantress rip Thor’s first appearance in the comic in half clues us into the fact that things are about to change. This run so far has come off as a major throwback diving deep into the mythology. Some may not enjoy the verbose dialog but it’s fitting for the character and you certainly get your money back. 

6. Usagi Yojimbo: The Crow #1

Writer/Artist: Stan Sakai

Publisher: Dark Horse

Solicitation: Finally making it out of the frozen mountains, Usagi and Yukichi come across a merchant being attacked by four brigands. They rescue the supposed merchant only to discover much later that he is really a criminal with a huge bounty on his head! Of course, wherever there is a huge reward you will find bounty hunters Gen and Stray Dog… and other unscrupulous trackers!

Why it Made the List: A new chapter of Usagi Yojimbo will always be something I get excited about. Usagi Yojimbo has been the most consistent comic in the industry for the last forty years. Don’t let that number one fool you as this is keeping the legacy going that started way back when. The great thing about Usagi is that you can jump in and out at any time. Stan Sakai gives you everything you need in each issue so do not fret about jumping in here if you never read a Usagi Yojimbo comic before. If you hope to be a comic creator one day this is a series to study. Sakai demonstrates the benefits of getting the fundamental basics of storytelling correct. Once you do that everything else will fall into place. 

5. Birds of Prey #8

Writer: Kelly Thompson

Artist: Javier Pina

Publisher: DC Comics

Solicitation: VIXEN JOINS THE TEAM! Mari McCabe aka Vixen has joined the Birds of Prey to help them get to the bottom of the mysterious villain hunting them through time. But first Mari has a fashionably dangerous problem of her own that needs solving. “You scratch my back, I scratch yours,” never looked so good.

Why it Made the List: If I was going to pick an MVP of this series it would have to go to colorist Jordie Bellaire. There have been a multitude of artists on this series but Bellaire has been the one maintaining the series’ unique aesthetic. Bellaire has made a lot of bold and unique color choices that have given this series this throwback design and made it unlike anything else DC is making right now. With this arc, we have a new team mostly due to the inclusion of Vixen. Her presence has immediately changed the book in a good way. Based on the ending of the last issue I get the sense this arc will be mocking those who want to place female characters into a rather small box where the focus is on sex appeal. I am all for a comic that makes the right people angry. 

4. The Sacrificers #7

Writer: Rick Remender

Artist: Max Fiumara


Solicitation: Alone and dangerously close to death, Soluna is on the run, chased through a brutal, unknown landscape as the absence of power has triggered massive world destruction that not even a god can contend with. **RICK REMENDER **and MAX FIUMARA fire up the next chapter of the super-charged hit series!

Why it Made the List: My favorite Rick Remender series since Deadly Class is back for another chapter. Remender is not slowing down anytime soon with his new imprint in full swing.  There’s been three months since the last issue and I think that break was probably for the best. This has been brutal at times so giving room for the story to breathe can do wonders. Most importantly it gives Max Fiumara time to draw this book. The creatures and world design can not be easy so I rather he get the time needed to ensure this looks the best it can be. Remender is not one to rush an artist so I have no doubt this will look as great as ever. The story is a shot at the ruling class that lives in luxury while everyone beneath them suffers a fate worse than death. It does not take long to look at current events to see what would inspire a story of this nature. Hopefully, this can provide a level of catharsis reality cannot.

3. Redcoat #1

Writer: Geoff Johns

Artist: Bryan Hitch

Publisher: Image

Solicitation: Immortal. Mercenary. Kind of a tool. Meet Simon Pure, the newest UNNAMED hero, created by comic all-stars GEOFF JOHNS (GEIGER) and BRYAN HITCH.

British redcoat and all-around rogue, Simon mysteriously became immortal in 1776 after a run-in with the clandestine cabal known as the Founding Fathers, which included George Washington, John Hancock, and many other prominent American Revolutionary War leaders. Since that fateful day, Simon has led a life of adventure and avarice, rubbing elbows (and sometimes fists) with many of history’s most renowned figures, including his nemesis Benedict Arnold, Albert Einstein, Annie Oakley, and many more. One thing they all agree on: they never want to see him again! But what are the true origins and extent of Simon’s power and the mysterious organization behind them? And how has it secretly shaped America and the world? Simon’s on a quest to find out!

Why it Made the List: I was unsure what to do with this selection. This week Ghost Machine launches and includes three new number ones Geiger #1, Rook: Exodus #1, and Redcoat #1. Putting them all on the list would be a bit overkill as would putting all three in one spot. So I chose the one I am most excited about out of the three. With Geiger we know what we are getting and Rook: Exodus did not have the appeal to me as much as the others. It helps that the Revolutionary War interests me so that is a major point in the favor of this book. Not that I expect a history lesson but a few flashbacks will be nice. Having three books released in the same week is a bold choice. You have to respect it. Maybe it pushes people into stores that have not been there for some time. If so it would be a win for everyone.

2. The One Hand #3

Writer: Ram V.

Artist: Laurence Campbell

Publisher: Image Comics

Solicitation: As the mysteries of the new One Hand Killer deepen, Detective Ari Nassar is starting to see connections everywhere. The walls are closing in as his prior arrests are questioned…and yet, why does he think the only person who calls help is Odell Watts, the man Ari put away years ago for the very same crimes?

Why it Made the List: I wonder if I have seen something like this done in any medium let alone just comics. The One Hand and The Six Fingers are two separate comics by two creative teams telling one story. The One Hand focuses on the hunt for a serial killer while The Six Fingers tells the killer’s story. I have enjoyed both but as someone who lives a P.I. story, The One Hand has been much more my vibe. Ari Nassar is that damage-over-the-hill cop who is perfect for a story of this nature. He’s someone with plenty of demons and part of the intrigue is seeing those demons exposed. Last issue he lost someone close to him in a rather twisted manner. This takes place in the future but it’s a future that blends the past and present. Makes for quite a setting. If you are a crime fan and are looking for something that pushes the boundaries of the genre take a chance on this one. 

1.Traveling to Mars #11

Writer: Mark Russell

Artist: Roberto Meli

Publisher: Ablaze 

Solicitation: As Roy’s journey to Mars comes to an end, he is forced to reflect on his life and the future of those who still have one.

Why it Made the List: As I write this I realize a Mark Russell comic is hitting the top two weeks in a row. What can I say I enjoy his work. ‘People Do Not Believe in God, such much as they hope for a witness of their suffering’. What a line that cuts deep and also helps summarize much of what Traveling to Mars is about. The plot has been trying to send a person with a deadly illness to Mars in hopes of saving the world. When you look beyond that it’s been this introspection of the relationship between humanity and the idea of a creator. Much of its thesis is explored through the allegorical implications between artificial intelligence and humans. How we are their creators and what that would mean for them in how they view us. Showcasing where meaning is searched for apathy is typically found. For example how people can build up the importance of their mission as something profound when in reality it was an apathetic exercise. Suffice it to say this may not be the book to read if you need a pick-me-up. With that being said there is that underlying bit of hope regarding the meaning we can garner through our relationships with one another. The real Mars natural resource destined to save the world was the friends we made along the way. I say this because this is the type of comic that makes you ponder questions like this while eliciting some strong emotional reactions. This is the last issue of the series and if it can land this might end up being the best work of Russell’s career thus far. As a major fan of books like The Flinstones, Second Coming, and Superman: Space Age I do not say that lightly. 

A fan of all things comics and believer in, "Comic are for Everyone, the Key is Finding the Right One". I hope to help in that search which is why I dawned the moniker Comic Concierge. Find most of my stuff on TikTok.

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