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Ultimate Spider-Man #3 – Iconic Friends Meet Again for the First Time


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Chills … Goosebumps … Laughter and so much more – Those are the feelings you can expect reading the latest Ultimate Spider-Man.

Any Spider-Man fan worth his weight in salt knows about the iconic, 60-year friendship between Peter Parker and Harry Osborn.

It’s been depicted in films, comics and cartoons over the decades.

But in Ultimate Spidey, something was amiss early on as a new, modern Green Goblin was attacking the Kingpin and all his underworld dealings.

Having seen Harry talk about the loss of his father to the Stark event 20 years prior, my personal Spidey sense was tingling last month as I had a feeling Harry was behind the green mask, yet as a vigilante, not a super hero or super villain.

And I was actually right for once in my life. Someone give me a gold star or maybe send me some comics 😉

An Iconic Reunion

Peter wants to investigate this new Goblin and in the midst of an old-fashioned stakeout, he interjects into an ongoing battle between Harry and Bullseye!

Harry thinks Bullseye works for Fisk, but what he says during their battle will come to pass later in the series.

Credit: Marvel Ent

It’s not the Kingpin that’s really pulling the strings in New York, but someone else altogether.

Could he be talking about the Maker or his council? Or … my guess would be a surprise hero turned villain.

That’s what the Ultimate Universe is all about. Little twists like Harry, Peter, Normal and even Jameson. They are at their core, the characters we know and love, but they are also different.

I mean, the real villain could be Matt Murdock for all we know.

Could you imagine Matt Murdock being Kingpin’s boss?? Marinate on that for a hot minute.

Red and Blue, A Classic

We also got a sweet glimpse into May Parker helping her dad pick out his new suit.

In the last issue, Peter was rocking an all-black look.

During his fashion show of sorts with his daughter, he goes from classic black symbiote to Scarlett Spider to maybe even a take on Iron Spider and then finally – the classic Red and Blue!

We knew it was coming and it’s never looked better.

It was cute to see his little girl take an impactful role in choosing this iconic and historic costume. One she’ll most-likely wear someday.

Final Thoughts – 9/10

I’m getting chills yet again writing this review as it’s dawning on me that I’m in the middle of reading something truly special.

I remember covering college football at the University of Florida during the mid-2000’s aka the Tim Tebow years, or working at ABC News when Avengers Endgame came out.

It’s just an exhilerating feeling to have to step up your game to describe what you are witnessing and experiencing. You know you are in the midst of something great.

And that’s where we are at with the entire Ultimate Universe.

Marvel has stepped things up like we haven’t seen in years and boy is it great to be a Spider-Man fan.

Nuff said – Make Mine Marvel!!

Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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