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Animal Pound, Issue 2 – A modern solution for an old school problem


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Creative Team

Created by: Tom King & Peter Gross; Written by: Tom King; Illustrated by: Peter Gross; Colored by: Tamra Bonvillain; Lettered by: Clayton Cowles; Cover by: Peter Gross; With Colors by: Tamra Bonvillain; Variant Covers by: Yuko Shimizu, Mike Del Mundo, & Bilquis Evely, with colors by: Matheus Lopes

Animal Pound by Boom! Studios

This is the second issue of Animal Pound. A comic series inspired by the story, Animal Farm. Animal Farm was a short novel from the 1940s written by George Orwell. In the Orwell version farm animals attempt to put aside their differences to rise up against their common enemy: the farmer. However, things don’t go according to plan when one farm animal wants to take over. In Issue 1 of Animal Farm, we saw cats, dogs, and rabbits put aside their differences (in a very dark and yet comical way) to escape the pound. However, their fight for freedom and survival is far from over. 

Check out the issue 2 review.

Variant Cover of Animal Pound Issue #2. All images by Boom! Studios.
Variant Cover of Animal Pound Issue #2. All images by Boom! Studios.

The Story for Issue 2

We last saw the Animal Pound celebrating their new found freedom. However, it didn’t take long for freedom between dogs, cats, and rabbits to go south. As food dwindles down, the animals try and think of Lucky: the dog who inspired them all. This all leads to the decision that they need a leader. One that can be fair to all the animals, and help prevent them from needing humans again, and losing their newly earned freedom. While this comic is based on a story over eighty years old, the possible solution the animals come across, is about as modern and hilarious as it gets.

Variant Cover of Animal Pound Issue #2. All images by Boom! Studios.
Variant Cover of Animal Pound Issue #2. All images by Boom! Studios.

The Art

Animal Pound is a story about freedom and survival. It’s about animals suppressing their animal instincts for the betterment of them all. This story humanizes the animals. The art compliments this beautifully. You can see the fear and frustration on each animals’ face as they navigate finding this balance between freedom and survival.

Animal Pound, Issue 2 Rating: 8.5/10

While this story is about animals, it’s also reflective of human nature. When faced with lack of freedom, or lack of survival, humans have been known to “act like animals.” Animal Pound is a dark story with quite a bit of humor and self awareness. The way the animals call out their own well known behaviors will make you giggle, while you also feel like you’re reading a story from a dystopian future. All in all, if you love a good story about survival and moral conflict, with a hint of dark humor, this comic should be on your pull list!

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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