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Justice League vs Godzilla vs Kong #4 by Brian Buccellato, Christian Duce, Tom Derenick, Luis Gurrero, Richard Starkings, and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Drew Johnson and Romulo Fajardo Jr.)

Creative Team:

Writer- Brian Buccellato

Artist- Christian Duce and Tom Derenick

Colorist- Luis Guerrero

Letterer- Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt

Cover Artist- Drew Johnson and Romulo Fajardo Jr

Plot Rundown:

The issue starts with our heroes in dire straits as Atom Smasher is wounded, and the city is in ruins. With Clark still in stasis, Batman has deduced how Toyman and the Titans arrived in their world. Meanwhile, elsewhere, Supergirl is locked in an epic staring contest with Kong where she connects with Kong and leaves to see Superman, which can help the League confirm he is still alive. This leads us to an unlikely yet fun team-up between Green Arrow and King Kong, which I never knew I needed until now. Lois joins the hunt for the stone as our villainous Legion of Doom have gathered their army to search for Toyman, if they could ever stop squabbling amongst themselves. Flash, Green Lantern, Diana, and Aquaman find themselves desperate as Godzilla has arrived fighting the other Titan leading Arthur to unleash their failsafe…the Kraken!

The Art:

This issue really has some impressive shots in it. One is the shot of Arthur up close on his way to unlock the Kraken, which is my favorite of this issue. The Titans are all drawn so frighteningly and with so much detail. The work within Kong’s fur, showing his wounds and texture, leaps off the page at your eyes, and you cannot help but marvel at the work the team is doing with this run. The colors and how they play off one another blend together gorgeously, making this entire issue visually stunning.

The Writing:

You can tell that Buccellato has done his homework and is a pure fan of every character he works with. Fundamentally understanding that Godzilla is a force to restore order down to Kong, connecting with other creatures, human or not, showcases the amount of love put into this run. One of the standouts to me is the villains arguing amongst themselves like toddlers on a playground brought the laughs amongst the dire situation and this comic is plain fun.


The entire team is having fun on every page across this issue. We get to see every hero have their moment to shine while also getting those “jump for joy” moments when Godzilla swoops in to do battle in a way only Godzilla knows how to do. The colors are stunning, the letterers seamlessly fit into the art and the panels, and the writing shows that this team is a well-oiled machine, making us feel like kids with our toys again. I truly thought this mash-up was only something I would get in my room as a child with my action figures, and seeing it brought to life in such a well-done way has been so much fun.


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Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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