
Spider Gwen: Smash #2 “Road-Tripping”

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After a dazzling first issue, Gwen the Mary Janes and a whole new slew of characters start on tour not just to rock out but on a mission!

SPIDER-GWEN: SMASH #2 by Melissa Flores (MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS, THE DEAD LUCKY), Enid BalamElisabetta D’AmicoFernando Sifuentes and Clayton Cowles

Melissa is taking the Earth 65 universe by storm! Introducing a bunch of new characters that we already know but giving them their own multiversal twist!

Check out our review of the debut RIGHT HERE

Spoiler Warning

Coming off the big reveal that Dazzler has a stalker and The Mary Janes were brought on not just as an opening act, but it doesn’t hurt having another superpower on tour.

This is really eating away at Em Jay as she’s hurt to find out that it was Ghost Spider that got them on tour, not all their hard work.

Art credit: David Nakayama (Marvel entertainment)

Main Cover by David Nakayama

Gwen is having a hard time dealing with her “Big Fish, Little Pond” outlook on the world. How do you fix that?!? YOU NEED A MONTAGE!!! Finding out that this Earth’s Natasha Romonov is similar to her doppelganger, she has already used her resources to take the heroes out to train them. Plus, it gives Gwen and Dazzler time to talk outside of being powered, just talk like musicians.

Art: Elena Casagrande - credit: Marvel Entertainment

The Show Must Go On!

Of course, the trials and tribulations of being in a band are always constant, so Natasha had to make a roster change. That being Rick Jones, he is let go from the bad under the suspicion that he has a drinking problem and not making it to shows. So Natasha brings up Em Jay to fill in on tour!

That night, the security team diligently looks for another “Hulk” attack. Well, there was an attack, not a “Hulk” but a Pixie! Yeah, Dazzler’s mutant compatriot attacks, and when you think Gwen has things wrapped up, SMASH is another “Hulk” attack. This hulk throws a shoulder into Gwen, burying her under rubble.

When she comes to Em Jay is glad to see that she is okay and hugs her. Backstage, Dazzler is distraught that Lila the Bassist has been captured. And pushes everyone to make the next stop in LA. She is not stopping for anyone and wants to find out who is doing this!

Pull back to see a human hand transforming from Hulk green, and you guessed it, Rick Jones…

Art: Elena Casagrande – credit: Marvel Entertainment

From “THE WEB”

Melissa Flores has kept the tempo up in this second issue. Right now, it’s a fairly straightforward story. But hopefully, I can see a bit of a coming-of-age story developing around the edges. Gwen realizes that this Earth is her home, and even the Mj’s accept Gwen’s unique circumstances rather than chiding her about it.

There was a mysterious man blacked out in the crowd who seemed like he was orchestrating this whole stalking scenario. but now that Lila had been captured and Pixie was under some sort of control. It makes me wonder WHO this mysterious man is.

Art Credit: Elizabeth Torque 1:25 Cover (Marvel Entertainment)

Elizabeth Torque 1:25 Cover

Spider Gwen: Smash #2—- Solid 8.5 out of 10

So, what are your thoughts about Spider Gwen: Smash so far? What are your theories? Who are you excited to see in this Earth-65 lens? Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and please consider following me personally at OFF THE CUFF TOM on social media. Don’t forget to support your LCS and THWHIP back to the Nerd Initiative for all your New Comic Reviews