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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 30th Anniversary Special by Ryan Parrot, Eleonora Carlini, Raul Angulo, Amy Jo Johnson, Matt Hotson, Francesco Mortarino, Joana Lafuente, Ed Dukeshire, Mat Groom, Marco Renna, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Maria Ingrande Mora, Jo Mi-Gyeong, and Mairghread Scott. (Credit Boom! Studios, cover by Dan Mora.)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 30th Anniversary Special by BOOM! STUDIOS

Creative: Ryan Parrot, Eleonora Carlini, Raul Angulo, Amy Jo Johnson, Matt Hotson, Francesco Mortarino, Joana Lafuente, Ed Dukeshire, Mat Groom, Marco Renna, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Maria Ingrande Mora, Jo Mi-Gyeong, and Mairghread Scott.


This week celebrates 30 glorious years for our teenage heroes and what better way than to have an epic special drop from BOOM! STUDIOS? There are 6 different tales in this special and due to that, I will be breaking them down into mini-reviews differing from the normal review format and giving overall thoughts at the end.

Story 1: Ode to Ernie by Ryan Parrot, Eleonora Carlini, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire.

This is a short yet classic fun tale of what the team truly means to the city of Angel Grove. Not only do they help the city but, also reveal that the city means so much to them. Parrott does a wonderful job showcasing this in the short time he has but, he’s no stranger to this franchise so I could think of nobody better to hit leadoff. Carlini and Angulo knock it out of the park with electrifying artwork bursting with personality and flavor. 5/5 Cigars.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 30th Anniversary Special by Ryan Parrot, Eleonora Carlini, Raul Angulo, Amy Jo Johnson, Matt Hotson, Francesco Mortarino, Joana Lafuente, Ed Dukeshire, Mat Groom, Marco Renna, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Maria Ingrande Mora, Jo Mi-Gyeong, and Mairghread Scott. (Credit Boom! Studios, cover by Dan Mora.)

Story 2: Wedding Vows by Melissa Flores, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms, and Ed Dukeshire.

This is a splendid tale that highlights the need for a personal life mixed in with the duties and dangers of being a Ranger. Tommy and Kat are getting married and the team does wonders bringing you a vibe of the special day with the intensity of action and what it truly means to hold a morpher. 5/5 Cigars

Story 3: Alpha Directive by Mat Groom, Sara Antonellini, Marco Renna, Sharon Marino, and Ed Dukeshire.

This is a sad yet heroic tale of the selfless life of servitude Alpha 5 gives to Zordon. We travel through thousands of years in poetic fashion showcasing his loyalty and need to serve the morphing grid. It ends in a bit of tragic cliffhanger which the creative team does wonders in a panel between Zordon and Alpha that will leave you in tears. 4.5/5 Cigars

Story 4: Re-Imagine by Amy Jo Johnson, Matt Hotson, Francesco Mortarino, Joana Lafuente, and Ed Dukeshire.

This story marks Amy Jo Johnson’s return to the Power Rangers and leaves you with wanting so much more which we will get in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return. It felt like a true love letter and a sort of goodbye to the Rangers of old while leaving us with a fresh story to tell. The art did a lot of telling in this story highlighting the life events through another walk down memory lane that really seals the deal on this story as one of the best in the book. 5/5 Cigars

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: 30th Anniversary Special by Ryan Parrot, Eleonora Carlini, Raul Angulo, Amy Jo Johnson, Matt Hotson, Francesco Mortarino, Joana Lafuente, Ed Dukeshire, Mat Groom, Marco Renna, Sara Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Maria Ingrande Mora, Jo Mi-Gyeong, and Mairghread Scott. (Credit Boom! Studios, cover by Dan Mora.)

Story 5: Ranger Academy: Office Hours by Maria Ingrande Mora, Jo Mi-Gyeong, Sara Antonellini, and Ed Dukeshire.

This story is focused on Billy which is heartwarming to see as he is now a grad student turned mentor for Cora who is in another dimension. The way they bond in this story beats any action they could have thrown in. It’s a story of accepting who we are and that is sometimes a refreshing thing for readers to read. 4/5 Cigars.

Story 6: What Time is it?! by Mairghread Scott, Daniel Bayliss, and Ed Dukeshire.

This was the culmination of all the issues and in a good old-fashioned showdown with Goldar, the team delivered a stunning conclusion. If you are looking to go out on a note in an anthology this is exactly how you do it. Everyone had their chance to shine in the end and they knew the assignment. 5/5 Cigars.

Final Thoughts.

This book is a love letter to the rich and heroic history of the Power Rangers. Every page, every panel, every word you could feel the love this team had for this book. Power Rangers is making a comeback in pop culture not that it ever truly left and this is a book for lifetime fans and new fans.

GRADE: 4.5/5 overall Cigars


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Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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