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Dancing Nano Iron Man Robots! – Hall of Armor


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Welcome to Paperweight Entertainment’s Hall of Armor! A series in which we dig deep into Iron Man’s bag of tricks.

Your weekly reminder that Tony Stark is an unrivaled genius, a futurist, and sometimes a cartoonish mad scientist who is willing to waste his fortune on outlandish upgrades to his armor!

This week we look at the time Iron Man synchronized nano Iron Man robots with music!

And they defeated Fing Fang Foom! How?!? You’ll have to watch to see!

The time dancing Nano Iron Men stopped Fing Fang Foom?!?! #ironman #fingfangfoom #comicbook #marvel
Derek Hoskins
Derek Hoskins
Derek is the Co-Founder of Paperweight Entertainment, along with Ian Torrance and Colonel Bob Tingle. He is the co-host of the Paperweight Entertainment Podcast, a life-long fan of Star Wars, Iron Man, Marvel, DC, and all comic related media. He is a firm believer that, in the words of Qui-Gon Jinn, “Your focus determines your reality.”

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