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I AM Iron Man #2 – The Man With the Bleeding Heart


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The full power of Iron Man as an inspirational hero is on display in this issue!

I was not emotionally ready for this story…

I AM Iron Man #2 starts off fairly simply. An asteroid is headed towards Earth, and the Armored Avenger is trying to slow it down. Tony Stark’s determination is on full display as he tries everything within his power to save the people of Norway, only to have the asteroid break apart and become impossible to stop.

As the townspeople flee for their lives, one woman stops, refusing to run, and looks up declaring “He won’t let them hurt us…” With this one line of dialogue, I felt myself begin to tear up with pride as I saw my favorite character portrayed as the inspirational hero I’ve always known him to be. “He’ll find a way to save us” indeed!

The full power of Iron Man on display as he blasts apart an asteroid that is hurtling towards Earth!
I AM Iron Man #2

While the back half of this book takes place in a much different setting, the tone and focus of the story remains the same, Iron Man brings inspiration and hope to those that he saves.


As with the first issue, the writing is fast paced and puts the reader right inside the helmet with Tony Stark. Ayodele masterfully weaves his themes through action beats and quiet moments as the reader is treated to a story of determination, hope, and a refusal to give up when the situation seems the most impossible.

It takes a talented writer to go from saving the world from an asteroid impact to a telepathic, giant, irradiated sardine who calls other sardines Fred while maintaining and emphasizing the point of the story being told.

Iron Man and an irradiated sardine!


As far as the artwork goes, I will continue to gush. Akande, once again, brings the thunder with awe inspiring panels that convey movement and scale. The old red and gold armor never looked so good as Iron Man pushes, kicks, and blasts pieces of hot falling space rock apart.

I believe there may be a small, blink and you’ll miss it, Easter Egg to New Men #1 in this book. If you’ve read New Men, take a look at the sheep as the clean up crew collects pieces of the asteroid on page five.

The story and art work together and flow so perfectly so that you don’t have to be bogged down with descriptive dialogue. This series has been so cinematic that, as I read it, I can almost see the camera movements.

Final Thoughts:

Like I said in my review of issue #1, if you are a fan of Iron Man this book has been created just for you. However, if you are a new reader of the character, I now believe that this series will help you fall in love with Iron Man the same way I did almost 30 years ago!

Derek Hoskins
Derek Hoskins
Derek is the Co-Founder of Paperweight Entertainment, along with Ian Torrance and Colonel Bob Tingle. He is the co-host of the Paperweight Entertainment Podcast, a life-long fan of Star Wars, Iron Man, Marvel, DC, and all comic related media. He is a firm believer that, in the words of Qui-Gon Jinn, “Your focus determines your reality.”

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