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SPECS #4 – A Roller-Coaster Conclusion from BOOM! Studios


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Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book blog to the ODPH podcast via the Nerd Initiative!

For this entry, we have finally arrived at the conclusion of one of BOOM! Studios best series. SPECS by David M. Booher, Chris Shehan, Roman Stevens and Jim Campbell has been a roller-coaster ride of emotions since its debut issue. The throwback horror tale has been must-read material building towards a big finale. Specs #4 is hitting comic shops this week (Feb.22nd). How does it fare? Let’s take a closer look and find out, shall we?


Kenny and Ted are two teens growing up in the small town of Summerton in the 1980’s. The awkward friends are trying to survive the high-school social landscape but neither are expecting their lives to be transformed by a mysterious pair of glasses. That’s exactly what happens after they discover some old comics and an ad for “magic specs”. The following day, a pair of specs shows up at Kenny’s doorstep mysteriously. The friends start making “wishes” that come true but fate deals them a bad hand as a wish to stop Bernard Slyman aka Skunk from fighting them causes his disappearance.

It was at this moment their luck ran out. Ted was framed for Skunk’s disappearance/murder and Kenny’s quest to find out the secret behind the glasses was more than he bargained for. The glasses are a part of a vicious cycle that preys on desperate people, leaving nothing good in its’ wake. Now in a race against time and the law, the boys look to destroy the glasses and hopefully fix things.

The finale kicks off with Kenny and Ted hiding in the woods after escaping the police station. They’re trying everything that they can to break the glasses. With no luck in breaking the specs, Detective Kingsley from the Summerton Police arrives to where the boys are. In a heart-wrenching move, Ted tells Kenny to take everything and run, then turns himself over to Kingsley.

The next day, Ted’s preliminary hearing was set. It’s resolution is a surprise but one without a happy ending as readers witness the fallout. However, one lingering plot point that gets resolved before closing the story out on a very pleasing epilogue.

Breakdown: Booher closes the series out with a very pleasing ending. The series has focused on the bond between Kenny and Ted and remained the driving force during the finale. Seeing what Ted was willing to do for his best friend in sacrificing himself to answer for the charges is a huge moment. Seeing Kenny’s guilt pour out on the page only made the ending that much more impactful. The specs were a secondary character that didn’t get nor need a ton of panel time to make its mark, especially here. Booher throws the question of “Is a wish really worth it if is’ not real” right at the audience and gives them a perfect answer in the final act. This story has been an excellent read and fingers crossed it gets made into a streaming series/movie.

Shehan brings to life the moving reactions to all the events unfolding. Kenny’s reactions to everything Ted does for him leading to the eventual arrest showcased how their friendship was so important to both. This is magnified tenfold during the final act (which is fantastic storytelling right down to the full page panel moonlight walk-off image that needs to be seen & read without spoilers). The closing moments were a strong finish with an even more peculiar ending shot.

FINAL POINT: Specs by Booher, Shehan, Stevens and Campbell has been a captivating saga along two best friends whose friendship and bond are challenged with the ability to change their lives, but not without consequences. The series has been the definition of incredible storytelling and art since the start. The finale has no disappointment (other than the series is over). Highest Possible Recommendation this week.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Specs #4. Thanks to the team at the Nerd Initiative for allowing the post & thank YOU for reading!

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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