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The Sensational She-Hulk #9 – The Job Offer of a Lifetime


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Creative Team – Rainbow Rowell(writer). Andrés Genolet(artist). Dee Cunniffe(color artist). VC’s Joe Caramagna(letterer). Andrés Genolet & Romulo Fajardo Jr.(cover art). Adam Hughes(variant cover art). Kat Gregorowicz(production). Kaeden McGahey(assistant editor). Nick Lowe(editor). C.B Cebulski(editor in Chief).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Variant Cover Art by Adam Hughes. Published by Marvel Entertainment.

Be sure to check out the review for The Sensational She-Hulk #8 here! Enjoy!

Not the way you’d want to come back from vaca..

We catch up with Jen, AKA She-Hulk, as she arrives back from her vacation with her loving beau, Jack of Hearts. She shows up to her apartment, where her presence isn’t appreciated by her building manager, Mrs. Goodman or the people she’s showing an apartment to. Brushing it off, she goes inside her own apartment to find it to be a pigsty. Ransak and Karkas have left the place in such a wreck, Jen has to leave for a couple hours while they clean it.

On her way out, she sees Mrs. Goodman again who’s in less than high spirits since the showing didn’t go her way. Jen is sympathetic and feeling down on herself because she knows exactly why Mrs. Goodman can’t seem to get anyone to rent out the apartment. It’s because of Jen herself.

A new job opportunity?

Jen sets out to blow off some steam. She goes to play fight Titania and Volcana when she’s interrupted by a visitor. Standing there is the incredible Carol Danvers with a job opportunity that most can’t pass up. Carol wants Jen to join the Avengers team! Carol takes Jen to the Avengers HQ to give her the grand tour and make her sales pitch. Of course, Jen has her own feelings about the offer after she had already been on the team before. Would it be the same as the last time? Is she powerful enough? Does she stand equal to the other Avengers? What about Jack?

Cover Art by Andrés Genolet & Romulo Fajardo Jr. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Art

I love how this comic run is drawn. It’s simple but also gives you a good amount of details in each panel. The colors perfectly match the overall vibe of the comic and the characters. It’s all so well done together, I think it’s perfect for a She-Hulk comic. Pardon my pun, but it’s sensational! Another thing I love is how Jen looks. She looks strong and feminine and gorgeous all around!

The Writing

I love how there’s so many emotions in this one comic. You can see Jen’s vulnerability when she sees that her neighboring apartment isn’t getting taken because of her. We see her in love with Jack of Hearts. We see her nervousness when dealing with the Avengers. It’s all very relatable which is something I’ve always appreciated about She-Hulk as a character. I think Rainbow Rowell does such a great job with She-Hulk because she has such a firm grasp on her as a character.

Final Thoughts

The Sensational She-Hulk #9 was a really fun read, just as the rest of this run has been. You can see that the writers and artists are having a lot of fun with Jen and the story. I’m really excited to see what’s next for Jen!

I give this a 9 out of 10

This review was written by me, Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of the Sensational She-Hulk #9, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

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