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Faith Returns #2 – One Villain at a Time


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Creative Team – Jody Houser(writer). Aleta Vidal(art & colors). Ludwig Olimba(flats). Marina Leon(letters). Fernando Baldo(covers A & C). Aleta Vidal(covers B & D). Lysa Hawkins(editor).

Published by Alien Books/Valiant Comics

Jody Houser(writer). Aleta Vidal(art & colors). Ludwig Olimba(flats). Marina Leon(letters). Fernando Baldo(covers A & C). Aleta Vidal(covers B & D). Lysa Hawkins(editor).
Published by Valiant Comics/Alien Books

Be sure to check out my other reviews here! Hope you enjoy!

Dark Star’s First

In the second issue of Faith Returns, we find our hero, Faith, looking for Dark Star, the evil Psiot villain who’s currently trapped inside the body of a black cat. Faith, along with Archer and Armstrong, check out the local pet store for the evil entity in felines clothing. Once they’re there and talk to the owner of the store, who’s not exactly a hoot and a half, they finally find Dark Star.

When I started reading Faith Returns, the last thing I expected was a violent attack from a pack of cats but Dark Star made it happen. He controlled the cats to attack the three heroes but it didn’t end well for him. Faith, using Armstrong’s jacket, was able to capture Dark Star and knock him out using Archer’s help. Now it was time to make a phone call to G.A.T.E. so they can take the evil feline looking villain into custody. Unfortunately, Archer and Armstrong had to bow out of Faith’s plans due to the danger it has over Armstrong, who is no longer immortal like Archer.

Jody Houser(writer). Aleta Vidal(art & colors). Ludwig Olimba(flats). Marina Leon(letters). Fernando Baldo(covers A & C). Aleta Vidal(covers B & D). Lysa Hawkins(editor).
Published by Valiant Comics/Alien Books

Next on the List

Moving on to her next target, Chris Chriswell. The famous actor who was actually a secret supervillain was in hiding with his crew of look alike stunt doubles and Faith is dedicated to finding him. After hours of internet lurking, Faith located Chris in his hometown in Iowa. She tracked down who she thought was the real Chris Chriswell in a diner only to realize it wasn’t him, but one of his stunt doubles. She follows him to their home base and forms a plan to capture the real Chris.

Turning his stunt double cronies against him by exposing his “evil” plan, Faith’s plan proves unsuccessful. Chris turns the stunt doubles against each other and causes them to fight it out against each other. Fortunately, Faith has the good idea of alerting G.A.T.E. the whereabouts of Chris Chriswell, and they make the arrest amidst the look alike battle royale.

Last But Not Least

Finally, it’s time to find Sidney Pierce, the Vine Planting that used her technology with The Faithless to frame Faith with murder. Using the one lead she has, she ventures to the house of a young director who’s making their debut with an unpleasant documentary about Faith. Once inside, she’s confronted by the young director who turned out to be Pierce all along. With Faith’s quick thinking, she tricks a confession out of Pierce which leads to Pierce getting put into custody.

Jody Houser(writer). Aleta Vidal(art & colors). Ludwig Olimba(flats). Marina Leon(letters). Fernando Baldo(covers A & C). Aleta Vidal(covers B & D). Lysa Hawkins(editor).
Published by Valiant Comics/Alien Books

The Art

The art of Faith Returns #2 is really fun. The bright colors in each panel matches the vibes of the story itself very well. I really enjoyed the scene with the attacking cats. While the cats were cute, they were also ferocious little attacking machines. The cover art does a great job at matching the energy of the story within the comic.

The Writing

Faith Returns #2 is a modern look at a superpowered story. Faith’s dialogue is written how anyone living in the era would talk, which makes her feel very relatable. The story itself is fun and easy to read, especially if you’re new to the world of superhero comics. I think the story does a great job explaining itself in a way that doesn’t feel like it’s over doing it, but just enough so you can keep up with it without feeling lost.

I give this a 6 out of 10

This review was written by me, Megan! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Faith Returns #2, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

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