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Power Rangers #119: “Coupled” Therapy


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After the last issue, we take a quick backstep, catch our breath, Reevaluate the situation, find another solution, and most importantly, talk it out!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #118, Written by Melissa Flores, Illustrated by Simon De Gianfelice and Marco Renna, Colored by Raul Angulo w/ Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Lettered by Ed Dukeshire.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #118, Written by Melissa Flores, Illustrated by Simon De Gianfelice and Marco Renna, Colored by Raul Angulo w/ Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Lettered by Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Goni Montes Courtesy of BOOM STUDIOS

The Story

Wow, a lot is going on here! Nearly everyone is paired up, not solely in the romantic style but more to help the story along. with things coming into twos now, having a spare White Ranger Coin gives the remaining Rangers a new strategy. Remember, Kiya already disrupted the “Morphin’ Sheild” around Earth, so it’s only a matter of time before another invasion.


The big kicker with all of this was Rita/Mistress Vile now back in her dumpster sealed by Zedd. Baboo wants to save his Mistress but Rita is resigned to her confinement. The issue has huge emotional weight all around; where does it lead…?

The Art

What can I say it’s gorgeous! There are a lot of darker tones in the background that give off the mood in the in-universe. But on the flip, the use of light shines off the page! If its a laser or lightning or even just the energy of The Grid itself, the colors and art truly are morphenominal! But the cherry on top is Rita…

You would think she would still be in her hot mom, Mistress Vile, outfit. NOPE, the art takes a huge shift into a Sailor Moon heavy magnaesque feel that gives off this soft and gentle, unexpected shot on the final page.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #118, Written by Melissa Flores, Illustrated by Simon De Gianfelice and Marco Renna, Colored by Raul Angulo w/ Jose Enrique Fernandez, and Lettered by Ed Dukeshire. Cover by Taurin Clarke Courtesy of BOOM STUDIOS

Thoughts From THE GRID

So let’s use the White Ranger Coin and distill it across the Earth Based rangers, COOL! But let’s just hodgepodge together what a hybrid power will look like, NOT COOL, at least for me. I get it was easier just to throw the helmets on the White Ranger Motif and adjust the colors accordingly, considering you have multiple ranger suits. I think there could have been a better option.

On the flip of the Power Coin, giving Tommy the option to sacrifice his power for the greater good is damn good writing. Kiya and Trini’s tet-a-tet put the former Omega Ranger in a new light. Not entirely good nor evil, just scared!

Knowing that EVERYTHING is coming to an end, having the idea of going to the Ari for help is just genius! It hits all the marks and on top of it is a full circle moment.

GRADE: 7.5

Now that you’ve read the book tell us what you think. Leave your thoughts in the comments below, and please consider following me personally at OFF THE CUFF TOM on social media. Don’t forget to support your LCS and morph back to the Nerd Initiative for all your Ranger Reviews!


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