Marvel’s highly anticipated One World Under Doom event series is about to make a monumental impact this February, as Doctor Doom takes center stage in his quest for ultimate power. What’s even more thrilling for fans?...
The comic book world is about to experience a paradigm shift as writer Deniz Camp (20th Century Men), artist Eric Zawadzki (House of El), colorist Jordie Bellaire (Birds of Prey), and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Time Before...
Ghosts of the Wayne family past resurface in the present. A caped crusader questioning his actions. A doctor struggling with ethics. Millionaires trying to...
"I AM VENGEANCE....I AM THE NIGHT...I AM BATMAN! - Batman: the Animated Series (1992) "Nothing to Fear"
The legendary words that the late Kevin Conroy...
DC Comics’ iconic vigilante returns to a familiar realm.
From various incarnations with the Justice League to the legendary Batman: The Animated Series (1992),...
Creative Team:
Written and Drawn by: Christian Ward
Letters: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Cover by: Christian Ward
Variant Cover By: Bill Sienkiewicz
Publisher: DC COMICS
The Art:
It's no secret that Christian Ward...