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Tag: Silver Age

BE WITNESS AS EARTH'S MIGHTIEST HEROES TAKE ON EARTH'S MIGHTIEST KAIJU IN GODZILLA VS. AVENGERS #1! Keep up with all the breaking news by clicking here! The very talented David F. Walker and Georges Jeanty’s very own...
JOE QUESADA AND CHRISTOPHER PRIEST CREATE THE FUTURE OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE IN MARVEL KNIGHTS: THE WORLD TO COME! Marvel creators Joe Quesada and Christopher Priest reunite in Marvel Knights: The World to Come, a six-issue comic...

What Comics We’re Reading This Week With Ed Brisson And John Timms

In the latest episode of "The Captioned Life," comics creators Ed Brisson and John Timms join the show and share what comics they're currently...

RETRO COMICS READS: Amazing Spider-Man #1

This article is part of a larger series. Check out Sean's announcement and how you can send him suggestions for readings. When I announced...

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