The story opens up an overview of New York City at night. In a lone apartment, there is a soap opera on the television. A voice is narrating the story...
Off world, Eva and Kelly appear very relaxed and recap the previous issue’s cliffhanger ending. The pair, along with Kitty Kitty make the dramatic escape...
EAT, SLAY LOVE! The team behind “Pocus Hocus” brings their magic over to a traditional horror tale, and amp it up to 100. Readers (no the guests) are in...
Van Nguyen’s life is anything but normal. Being born during a solar eclipse, Van developed an uncanny ability to see ghosts. Unfortunately, Van discovered...
Barnstormers by Snyder, Lotay, Cunniffe and Starkings, presents a story based around a pair of unlikely lovers who risk everything for an impossible new life.
Tony Stark's new nemesis takes center stage!
Invincible Iron Man #4 finally reveals the mystery player behind the events of the previous issues. After...
When these two forces meet the first time, their combined efforts defeated Shredder and Rita Repulsa. In the aftermath, Shredder was dropped off the radar...