In Titans #17, the team faces an unusual new threat: being trapped in a loop of their worst memories. As the heroes grapple with reliving their personal traumas, the mysterious Clock King manipulates time to his...
A family inherits a house from a deceased aunt, but there is more at play then meets the eye. At the same time, why does an Ice Cream Man have on a surgeon’s coat, and why...
Uncanny Avengers #4
Writer- Gerry Duggan
Artist - Javier Garron
Color Artist - Morry Hollowell
Design - Tom Muller & Jay Bowen
Cover - Javier Garron & Morry Hollowell
Truth and Justice!
Written by Gerry Duggan and Jonathan Hickman. Art by Javier Garron and Morry Hollowell.
The Story:
After the Orchis attack on the Hellfire Gala...