The Dynamic Duo. Gotham City’s Dark Knight. A Boy Wonder. Together, they have carved their legacy throughout the years as an unstoppable pairing. It...
Creative Team - Geoffrey Thorne(writer). Marcus To(artist). Erick Arciniega(color artist). VC's Joe Caramagna(letterer). Stephen Segovia & Rain Beredo(cover artists). Clayton Crain, Juan Ferreyra(variant cover...
One year ago, the comic world witnessed a debut that shattered expectations. OPTIMUS PRIME and company crashed the Energon Universe. In their wake has...
Creative Team - Eve L. Ewing(writer). Carmen Carnero(artist). Nolan Woodard(color artist). VC's Travis Lanham(letterer). Carmen Carnero & Nolan Woodard(cover artists). David Baldeón & Jesus...
Hal Jordan. John Stewart. Guy Gardner. Jessica Cruz. Legendary Green Lanterns. Since the United Planets and Lord Duras Thaaros did a hostile takeover of...