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Tag: Justin Mason

In preparation for the new Superman movie hitting theaters in July, let’s reflect on former Man of Steel’s over the years. I love that each of them have their own unique take on the character, and...
First Look at the Megatron Story in Transformers #19 By Daniel Warren Johnson and Ludo Lullabi! This April, the best-selling Energon Universe story begins its fourth arc! Today, Skybound and Image Comics, in partnership with Hasbro, a leader in...

Sentinels #3 – Out of Their Hands

Creative Team - Alex Paknadel(writer). Justin Mason(artist). Federico Blee(color artist). VC's Travis Lanham(letterer). Justin Mason & Federico Blee(cover artists). Kael Ngu(variant cover artist). Published...

Sentinels #2 – The Return of a Villain

Creative Team - Alex Paknadel(writer). Justin Mason(artist). Federico Blee(color artist). VC's Travis Lanham(letterer). Justin Mason & Federico Blee(cover artists). Aka, John Giang(variant cover artists)....

Sentinels #1 – The New Players

Creative Team - Alex Paknadel(writer). Justin Mason(penciler). Federico Blee(color artist). VC's Travis Lanham(letterer). Justin Mason & Federico Blee(cover artists). Nick Bradshaw & Rachelle Rosenberg,...

X-Factor #2 – A Snake in the Grass

Creative Team - Mark Russell(writer). Bob Quinn(artist). Jesus Aburtov(color artist). VC's Joe Caramagna(letterer). Greg Land, Jay Leisten, Frank D'Armata(cover artists). Justin Mason & Frederico...

Spider-Punk: Arms Race #4 – A Most Vibrant Finale

Creative Team - Cody Ziglar(writer). Justin Mason(artist). Morry Hollowell(color artist). Travis Lanham(letterer). Takashi Okazaki & Rico Renzi(cover artists). Patrick Gleason, Alejandro Sānches, C.F. Villa,...

Spider-Punk: Arms Race #3- A Beautiful Song For The Eyes

Creative Team- Cody Ziglar(writer). Justin Mason(artist). Morry Hollowell & Rico Renzi(color artists). Travis Lanham(Letterer). Takashi Okazaki & Rico Renzi(cover artists). Dan Hipp, Nick Bradshaw,...

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