Iron Man, has faced a number of enemies throughout his career, due in part to his former profession as a weapons manufacturer. However, his first villainous adversary dates back to Tales of Suspense Number 39...
Welcome to Paperweight Entertainment’s Hall of Armor! New armors, new multiversal Tony Starks, same great content! We’re still digging into Iron Man’s bag of tricks, each week you’re going to...
Welcome to Paperweight Entertainment’s Hall of Armor! New armors, new multiversal Tony Starks, same great content! We’re still digging into Iron Man’s bag of tricks, each week you’re going to...
Welcome to Paperweight Entertainment’s Hall of Armor! New armors, new multiversal Tony Starks, same great content! We’re still digging into Iron Man’s bag of tricks, each week you’re going to...
Introduced in Iron Man #152 by Bob Layton, David Michelinie, John Romita Jr., Glynis Oliver, and Joe Rosen, the Iron Man Model 7 was designed to go undetected...
Welcome to Paperweight Entertainment’s Hall of Armor: Reforged! New intro, new armors, new multiversal Tony Starks, same great content! We’re still digging into Iron Man’s bag...