Marvel’s highly anticipated One World Under Doom event series is about to make a monumental impact this February, as Doctor Doom takes center stage in his quest for ultimate power. What’s even more thrilling for fans?...
The comic book world is about to experience a paradigm shift as writer Deniz Camp (20th Century Men), artist Eric Zawadzki (House of El), colorist Jordie Bellaire (Birds of Prey), and letterer Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Time Before...
This is a supernatural detective story with no shortage of twists and turns. So if you like magic and mystery then you are going to fall in love with this series for sure...
This is a series on par with anything Image has put out in the past. If the story continues at the pace and depth it’s currently at then I foresee this being “the next big thing” in comic books...
Luckily for us, Boom! Studios is here keeping the fire burning for Firefly fans both new and old. We may not be getting any new episodes any time soon, but we can rest easy...
Local Man: Gold by Image Comics
Creative: Tony Fleecs, Tim Seeley, and Felipe Sobrerio
Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book...
Palicki is crafting a top tier detective story with this series. Each issue leaves you wanting more...
The art from Cavalcanti and lettering from Steen add to the noir feel of the entire series. Black and white was a fantastic choice for this detective series...
Roger picks up this relic and examines it for a moment. Cirrus and Wyrm both look on in horror as Roger makes yet another bad choice for himself and others...
Nearly 20 years later, we see a Gaelic boy named Calum, running through the forest, cradling a baby in his arms. He trips and falls, and then finds himself face to face with a Pict hunter...