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Tag: Garth Ennis

JOE QUESADA AND CHRISTOPHER PRIEST CREATE THE FUTURE OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE IN MARVEL KNIGHTS: THE WORLD TO COME! Marvel creators Joe Quesada and Christopher Priest reunite in Marvel Knights: The World to Come, a six-issue comic...
Toronto Comic Con, a three-day-event that runs in the spring of every year, is what I affectionately dub as Baby Con - it's a precursor to the more real and large scale four-day FanExpo Canada that...

Babs #5 – Not the Heroes we Want, But the Heroes we Need

Last we saw Babs, she was captured and made to work in the mines. It wasn’t all bad as she is reunited with Izzy...

Hello Darkness #6 – Alone in the Mouth of Madness

Horror comic fans rejoice, Hello Darkness is back to scratch your horror anthology itch. Tales of desperation and anguish await you on this journey...

Hello Darkness #5 – Monsters, War, and More!

BOOM! Studios smash horror anthology series Hello Darkness has returned with six more tales to make your skin crawl. Butterflies, cameras, monsters, and war...

Babs #4 – A Journey on the Elves Love Boat

Babs is still searching for Izzy and has gotten onto an elvish boat to reach her destination. However, she was not ready for what...

Hello Darkness #4 – BOOM! Brings Halloween Early

What would the spooky season be without some spooky tales? Thanks to BOOM! Studios we don’t have to worry about it, as they hit...

Babs #3 – There is More to Babs Than Meets the Eye

Our badass warrior in a chainmail top is back and kicking butt. When you take what Babs wants, you put yourself in the crosshairs...

Babs #2 – Lewd, Crude, and in the Groove

It’s that time of the month for everyone’s foul mouthed Warrior Princess to continue her journey. In a world filled with chauvinistic incel men,...

Babs #1 – A Material Girl in a Barbarian World

What’s Up Comic Fans!? It tis I Sir Rich from the NI Bullpen. My mind hath not been lost, yet ye hath read ye...

Hello Darkness #1 – Things Go BOOM! in the Night

What’s Up Comic Fans!? It is I, Rich from NI Wrestling & the 3FN Podcast representing Nerd Initiative. It’s fair to say I also...

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